Charity - a nice little earner

Please note the info sourced was accurate at the time of going to press= circa 2009-2011

(WHEN you have read the article below, if you want to view the now updated monetary Accounts that are available for 2019-2020 - click here)

Isn’t Comic Relef Great!- Every year the celebs ‘cheer us up’ and beg for our cash!- MILLIONS ARE GENERATED for those often struggling to survive. But those running this are not struggling. YOUR cash is keeping its Chief exec Kevin Cahill living in luxurious surroundings. £120,401 he gets out of this. A further 7 execs take a slice at the cake by getting between 60 and 70 k each. 6 more ‘struggle by’ on between 80k and 90k each! KERRCHING!!!! First 1.2 Million goes on their salaries. And they have to keep the impoverished ‘in their place’. –They added £670,000 to the pension Fund last year! And hold 6.5 million pounds in the Reserve Account!-AINT IT GREAT THIS COMEDY! Lets ALL Laugh at the celebs throw our money in to the pot—keep the poor in their place and keep the EXPLOITERS earning a great liitle earner!!!!

Take a look...

When it comes to Charity the dictionary defines the meaning in the context used as an ‘institution or organization for helping those in need’. And is not the perception that most hold to be one of a scenario where those who work for such organizations are doing so on a voluntary basis without any significant financial reward? Or if they are working on a full time basis- taking only a small amount or at best the average national wage?

However, should you take the time to look at the financial accounts of some of the most well known charities there are some who are making amounts that many would not only find surprising but nothing short of excessively obscene!
Oxfam for instance- a name surely everyone is familiar with.- They ‘Campaign for change’ and state- ‘Why campaign? This is not a fair world. There’s wealth everywhere. So why do millions have to drink dirty, dangerous water? And why should millions more go hungry, without schools; or die of diseases we can prevent? Poverty is preventable- they conclude. Oxfams Chief Executive-Barbara Stocking doesn’t have to worry about such things though- she pocketed 101,754 in 2008! So when I wandered past my local Oxfam shop in the high street- of which there are around 700 in the UK- and saw they were after volunteers to work for free on a part time basis- didn’t strike me as quite right. Nor did the fact that most of their shop managers are paid to do their jobs. Seems a bit unequal to me .As Oxfam like to state ‘This is not a fair world’- And clearly their policy on employment likes to reinforce this!

But Oxfam are relatively low in this ‘league of shame’.
At number 20 we have
B.U.A.V.- the British Union for Abolition of Vivisection.
The ‘Ugly Truth’ as they like to state when admirably exposing the reality of life and death in UK laboratories is somewhat tarnished by their contradictory behaviour. One of the many funding investors to the barbaric and unreliable industry of vivisection taking place at Cambridge and Oxford University is Vodafone. Something every one connected to Animal Rights is very much aware of. Yet B.U.A.V. sees fit to hold shares in this organization! When challenged as to the reason for this, Julian Littaur, Deputy Chief Executive stated they did so to ‘positively engage and exert pressure as a shareholder within’- but as they have no meaningful amount of shares to do so if that was the aim- It comes as little surprise as to when questioned as to what had been achieved or how had this seen progress by ‘deploying such tactic’(if you believe this justification) none whatsoever was reported and ‘dialogue with Vodafone continues’ was considered a appropriate way for donators money to be used! In regard to salaries it has been widely reported from a number of sources that they are somewhat far from happy at B.U.A.V. paying their top earner in the region of 80k per annum. Littaur refused to deny this but would only say that he felt that paying their top person in excess of 50k was ‘sensibly placed and consistent with other organizations in the non-profit sector’. Over the years B.U.A.V. have made a number of statements that seem at odds with what they claim to represent- putting the well being of animals ahead of torture,suffering and death. They have repeatedly made claim that the work of the ALF(Animal Liberation Front) is worse than vivisection!!!- Some one care to explain how individuals who liberate animals from laboratories without ever having harmed any individual in doing so(human or animal) can be considered worse than the imprisonment, mental and physical abuse and eventual death of an animal as a result is worse than its life being saved and then re-homed with new loving guardians!? Perhaps it could have something to do with the potential of them losing their ability to make a living from such circumstances continuing to prevail? Disgusting

.Action Aid. Founded in 1972 they claim to be a ‘partnership between people in rich and poor countries dedicated to ending poverty and injustice.’ Amongst their many initiatives are various forms of you handing your cash over- be it a simple straight-forward one-off donation or a ‘sponsor a child’ scheme.-To name but two. In their quest to address 275,000 people being pushed into poverty every day please don’t lose too much sleep over the ‘plight’ of their Executive director Richard Miller – he no doubt will ‘struggle on’ by taking in excess of over 3 times the national average wage.79k a year will do nicely,thanks. Now go and look at the imagery of women and children in poverty- they have got a wage bill to pay- hand your money over now! Wonder if their children are privately educated?

When it comes to the stance of certain ‘Eco warriors’ there are organizations that cast the aspersion on mainstream politicians that they are deploying the tactic of ‘greenwash.’ And rightly so- however let those who are without such credentials themselves be free to ‘cast the first stone’, because this is being claimed by campaigning orgs. who are frankly little better. Friends of the Earth. F.O.E.(aptly titled) is one such set of moral crusaders. Whilst it is recognized and acknowledged by many that the most effective and best way to combat global warming and poverty.-And in terms of all encompassing ethics that are fair to all inhabitants of the earth- not just those who really wish to put their own species at the front of the queue.- Is for all to adopt Veganism.
Friends of the Earth are as out of touch and behind in the game as many of the people they wish to ‘educate’. They are interested in changing farming subsidies as opposed to changing what and how things are farmed. Selling the concept that if people source locally as opposed to from the other reaches of the planet shows how out of touch they are-but then again, perhaps that’s easier to sell and to get people to buy into. They further their lack of credibility with their stance of “Planet friendly farming is possible.Tell your MP to fix the food chain.” Those who subscribe to their being a ‘food chain’ – are merely trying to justify the acceptance that the commodification of a non human animal is acceptable. This theory is not only flawed but contradictory in the terms of how such things are evaluated. Put in simple terms- If a Tiger does not eat an animal placed lower in the said chain-it will die. However,to lend such science to the argument that Man has to eat animals ‘lower’ in this so called chain is incorrect. Otherwise every living vegan would be a ‘miracle’!. Anyway, F.O.E. continues with their embarrassingly outdated argument. Continuing to ignore the importance of the amount of grain required to raise various ‘livestock’ and the implications this has. Continuing to ignore to educate people of the fact that farmed fish require 2 kilos of feed to produce 1 kilo of food. ‘Poultry meat’ requires 3 kilos of feed to produce the same amount of food. ‘Pork’ requires 5 kilos and ‘Beef’ requires 10 kilos- The source of this being the non partisan Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. The land used would be better deployed to grow 1 kilo of food for consumption. The amount of water required to ‘yield such crops’ is also clearly better for the planet when it is non animal.. Whereas Potatoes require 500 litres,Wheat 900 litres, Maize 1400 litres, Rice 1900 litres and Soya beans 2000 litres. Chicken requires 3500,Beef needs 100,000! Friends of the Earth are speceists and little better than the Flat Earth brigade they claim to be trying to ‘win over’. Their top earner picks up 80k a year for heading this bunch of clowns. And they have a 2 million pound wage bill. You’ll see their set of ‘preachers’ wandering up and down high streets pontificating about ‘how to change the world’ (obviously needing your donations to do this) when the individuals concerned are clearly adding to the problem themselves with their own actions.-There isn’t even any requirement for them to be vegetarian, let alone vegan when working for this company. Hypocrites. At 17 pop-pickers is the previously out lined Oxfam. Then at 16 we have those other well known champions of the Green brigade- Greenpeace! Whilst Greenpeace deserve credit for pushing green issues from the sidelines of society to the mainstream. They like the Friends of the Earth are somewhat flawed with their overall ‘strategy’ or joined up thinking as it’s sometimes referred to.. Whilst they rightly champion the cause of the orangutan and push to the forefront the important issue of palm olive production and the effect that is having on this species natural environment.
They also push for ‘sustainable fishing’- arguing that the killing of tuna and other species of fish is acceptable-As long as its done in a ‘controlled manner.’- This is speceism, boys and girls. They are famed for saving the whale and rightly think it is abhorrent that there are nations such as the Faros and Japan who kill this creature for food and other products such as soap etc. However it is all down to culture. And the culture that exists in the Western world of killing a fish is no different. So if you think it’s disgusting for Koreans to kill cats and dogs and eat them-Take a look at yourself, no different than you eating a cow,lamb,fish ,hen or pig.Thats assuming you haven’t made the right choice. Greenpeace also have no policy in regard to who they employ to preach their sanctimonious hypocritical crusade . Meat eaters are welcome. No vegan policy here. They’ve a top earner coining in 60k a year. And a couple of people each picking up 55k a year. So your first 170,000 pounds donated is going on covering their wages.

Next on the list of shame is
WWF. No, not the wrestlers! No- The World Wildlife Fund.They like to promote the beauty of the wild beast. The Tiger, the Elephant, the Panda-their iconic branding. The WWF are brilliant at reinforcing the message that animals perceived as having a ‘majestic, wild, nature to them are more worthy of life, respect and protection than those that Man has deemed to be worthy of being branded as little more than ‘livestock’. The same argument was applied by those involved in the slave trade some centuries ago. That the Negro, the black man, was less worthy of his freedom and rights and the white person was more superior. Racism-Speceism. Time to see the link. Our claims to be an equal, civilized and advanced society is nonsense. And there are companies who would have you believe that they are advancing the cause of animals when what they are doing is holding it back and actually making it worse with the message they teach. Anyway, their making a damned good living out of doing it-so just like slavery was argued to be good at that time they will continue to profit from this morally acceptable behavior(whose morals are those? Not mine or others who don’t wish to buy this doctrine that sees the species of Man as the Nazi of the earth dwellers) Just short of a quarter of a million pounds is enjoyed by the WWF with salaries being 90-100k for their ‘top dog’ and two more execs on between 60 and 70 k a year. With no policy in regard to employing vegans and considering it acceptable to see farm animals for livestock, they deserve their place in the league of shame.

Their overall ‘contribution’ to Animal Rights is nothing short of disgraceful. On Facebook they have a page that explores the full extent of who they really. Here it is.

WWF- Wicked Wildlife Fund.

The World Wildlife Fund has been actively pressuring government agencies in U.S.A., Canada and Europe to greatly increase the amount of testing that they require for new and existing pesticides and other chemicals. The result of the WWF’s lobbying has been the establishment of what threatens to be the largest animal testing program of all time. The WWF does not oppose killing animals for sport. It also supports the killing of seals and elephants and the slaughter of whales by native tribes. It refuses to speak out against steel-jaw leghold traps. The WWF was the driving force in pressuring the U.S. congress to legislate the screening of chemicals for ‘endocrine (hormone) disrupting’ effects and has subsequently been heavily involved in establishing the framework for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) massive chemical-testing program now under development. As it’s Web site points out- ‘’WWF invested substantial resources in the EPS’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Test Advisory Committee,” which “agreed upon a set of tests to form the foundation for the screening and testing program”. What the WWF neglects to mention, however, is that 10 of the 15 recommended screens and tests are animal poisoning studies! Some of which kill hundreds of animals at a time. According to scientific estimates, the WWF backed endocrine testing program will kill up to between 1 and 2 million animals for every 1,000 chemicals tested. With environmental organisations pressing for tens of thousands of chemicals to be restricted under this program the toll in animal suffering and death will be staggering. The WWF is also pressuring government agencies in Europe to embark on a similar animal testing program. In addition to lobbying for more chemical testing, the WWF has teamed up with Proctor & Gamble, S.C.Johnson and other chemicals companies to create an institute to pursue “basic research’’ on endocrine disruptors. On top of this, the WWF is now pushing the U.s. Congress to pass a bill that would pour additional millions in public funds into endocrine research- much of which would likely to be used to fund experiments on animals.
Unfortunately the “endocrine disruptor’’ issue is not an isolated example the WWF has been a major force in pressuring the European Union to amend its Chemicals Policy to require companies to test and retest as many as 30,000 new and existing chemicals. The British Institute for Environmental Health estimates that this process will kill upwards of 45 million animals if the standard battery of animal poisoning tests is used. The WWF’s U.S. and Canadian offices are also calling for more testing of pesticides, despite the fact that more than 9,000 animals are already killed for each pesticide product on the market. The organisation has called for certain pesticides to be tested for ‘developmental neurotoxicity’ (DNT) using a test that kills upwards of 1,300 animals each time it is conducted. This test has been heavily criticized by Scientists, including the EPA’s own Scientific Advisory Panel, which concluded that “the exposure of rat fetus/pups was not shown to be equivalent stages of brain development” and that “the current form of the DNT guideline is not a sensitive indicator of toxicity to the offspring”. In other words, WWF is calling for thousands of animals to be killed in a test that scientists admit is not relevant to humans!
In its defence, the WWF says that “in absence of effective, validated alternatives, WWF believes that limited animal testing is needed for the long-term protection of wildlife and people throughout the world.” However, there is nothing ‘limited’ about the massive amount of animal testing that the WWF is endorsing. Dr.Joshua Lederberg, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, pointed out in 1981. “It is simply not possible with all the animals in the world to go through chemicals in the blind way we have at the present time and reach credible conclusions about the hazard to human health.” Now more than 20 years later, millions of animals are still dying in agonizing chemical toxicity tests and we are no closer to getting dangerous chemicals out of the environment. In fact, despite killing hundreds of thousands of animals in painful chemical toxicity tests, the EPA has not banned a single toxic industrial chemical in more than a decade.
The WWF Endorses the Killing of Wild Animals Too!
The World Wildlife Fund gives special meaning to the word ‘conservation’. The organisation, founded in 1961 by a group of wealthy trophy hunters, apparently believes that conserving animals means keeping them around long enough for well heeled ‘sportsmen’ to blast them out of the woods, oceans, skies, plains of Africa and jungles of Asia. Past WWF chapter presidents include C.P. ‘Pink’ Gutermuth, who also served as president of the National Rifle Association and trophy hunter Francis L Kellogg who is ‘legendary’ for his massive kills. Kellogg though having no connection to the breakfast cereals empire was a former member of the C.I.A.! The WWF has even used fur auctions to raise funds for its coffers! Since then the WWF has learned that most people are appalled by hunting and trapping, so today, the organisation veils its true stance under phrases like “sustainable development” arguing that killing is acceptable under some circumstances. When answering difficult questions about its policy on hunting, trapping and whaling the WWF is careful never to state outright that it approves of all of these activities. But don’t be fooled, the WWF’s intentions are all too clear and deadly.-
Sealing According to the Web site of the WWF’s Canadian office, “WWF is not an animal welfare organisation. We support the hunting and consumption of wild animals provided the harvesting does not threaten the long term survival of wildlife populations”. WWF has never opposed a sustainable seal hunt in northern or eastern Canada. However, despite the WWF’s portrayal of the situation, the Canadian seal hunt is anything but a ‘subsistence’ hunt- it is the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world. Quotas established by the Canadian government have soared to an all time high: 350,000 seals per year for the next three years. Not since the mid 1800’s when unrestricted slaughter saw a million seals per year killed has so much blood been shed on the ice of Canada’s east coast. Worse is that the Canadian government has stated in internal documents that having the WWF’s support for any raise in seal quotas is important and the WWF’s position statement suggests that it had been working with the Canadian government before the quota was announced. In other words the WWF had the power to help avert the largest cull quota of harp seal pups in history but chose, instead, to let it happen without so much of a word of opposition!
Whaling. While the WWF states that it opposes “Commercial Whaling” it does support the slaughter of whales by native tribes and under some other conditions. When asked directly about its policy, WWF is vague, stating that “WWF’s views on whether sustainable whaling should be permitted derive from its mission ‘to conserve nature and ecological processes and help to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature” In the past, WWF officials have clearly stated that “WWF International has the national WWF organisations behind it in the view that as soon as one can ensure a sustainable commercial harvest of the great whales under secure international control, then whaling will no longer be a WWF concern.”
Sport Hunting As one would expect of an organisation founded by hunters, the WWF does not oppose the slaughter of animals with guns and other weapons for ‘sport’. Rather than working to stop the killing, the WWF believes that hunting should be regulated, arguing that wealthy trophy hunters can bring income to poorer nations. The WWF claims it has no power to stop hunting, stating, “The decision to allow trophy hunting is a sovereign one made entirely by the governments concerned. We will continue to monitor government’s enforcement of important trade laws to ensure that trophy hunting is done within the legal standards of that area.”
Elephants The WWF believes that ‘culling’- another way of saying killing- elephants is acceptable, as is the trade in ivory, because the profits that it brings spur governments to keep elephants from going extinct! In 2000, U.S. News & World reported that WWF representatives travelled to Nairobi to ask the United Nations to lift the ban on ivory trade in order to allow a “sustainable harvest of ivory for horns and hunting trophies.”
The WWF’s bizarre view – that we must kill some animals now in order to save animals to kill later- has proved false time and time again. The trade in ivory has only encouraged rampant poaching and the senseless slaughter of elephants. The WWF tries to mask the issue by falsely stating “The decision to cull or select animals from the herd for removal or death, is indeed an agonizing choice, but it is one made entirely by governments concerned and there is no international involvement in those decisions.”
Trapping As with hunting and whaling, the WWF refuses to condemn the massive killing of animals with steel-jawed leghold traps. While calling itself a ‘preservationist’ organisation that “seeks to be the voice for those creatures that have no voice,” the WWF stands back from the issue, stating that “the trade in furs, skins and other products of animals that are not endangered isn’t the focus of our campaigns.” But no matter how hard the WWF tries to ‘greenwash’ its support of animal slaughter, its real message rings out loud and clear: Animals are ours to hunt, trap, kill, poison and use as we see fit. And although appeals to preserve genetic diversity, ecosystems, and the planet sound good on paper, they mean little if what they are really advocating is more efficient killing fields.
Wolf Hunting Despite an ongoing international tourist boycott that was called in response to the wolf ‘control’ program in Alaska, in which at least 100 wolves have been shot as of March 2004, the WWF is promoting several trips to Alaska throughout the summer of that year as part of their ‘ecotourism’ program. When asked why they were sending its members to Alaska , effectively undermining the boycott and efforts to save the wolves in that State. Their travel representative stated the WWF did not consider the matter of wolf-killing a priority.
Write to the WWF to express your opposition to its involvement in the slaughter of millions of animals in laboratories. Let them know that you contribute only to organisations that oppose outdated animal poisoning tests and that there is no such thing as ‘conservation’ through killing!

James P Leape, Director General. WWF International Ave du Mont Blanc, 1196 Glad, Switzerland.
Carter S Roberts, President & C.E.O. ,WWF U.S.A., 1250 24th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.
MJ Russill, President & C.E.O. WWF-Canada, 245 Eglinton Avenue East, Ste 410, Toronto, On M4P 3J1.
Elisabeth Salter Green, European Tourist Programme, WWF UK, Panda House, Weyside Park, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1XR.

* This article on the WWF was taken from the Facebook group
Wicked Wildlife Fund.- Go join!

Blue Cross.- ‘Britain’s Pet Charity’ as it likes to label itself. Under their ‘Education’ section of their website (One of their core aims being listed as ‘educating the public in responsible animal ownership) ‘ownership’- try the word carer,companion or guardian for starters. No animal is ours to own.- They then give the in-depth response to their own worded question of ‘Do reptiles make a good pet?’ as follows- “ You will need to do a great deal of research and be prepared to buy and regularly replace equipment such as lighters and heaters.Reptiles are not cats or dogs. (Christ, this is high brow stuff!) Your local vet is unlikely to have in-depth knowledge of reptile health, so locating a specialist vet is desirable.(only desirable?) They then continue on about ‘light and heat sources’ and about ‘excessive handling being detrimental to reptile welfare’- The most ‘detrimental’ thing to all reptiles is for them to be removed from their natural environment and be classed as a pet! Yet another example of how Man has taken a living sentient creature from its own surroundings and exploited it for their own purposes. Resulting in the imprisonment and premature death of an animal for their own amusement and profit. And this is the ‘education’ they wish to impart on us as ‘Britain’s Pet Charity’! This is no different to the imprisonment of animals in zoos- it’s irresponsible, it’s out of order and it’s nothing short of a disgrace. They also provide subsidized veterinary clinics for people on benefits. However, as “Britain’s Pet Charity” they only have ten of these Veterinary hospitals in London, the South East and Glorious Grimsby!- Hold on-breaking news: As from 31st January,2010 this subsided service for people struggling on benefits who want to look after their pets will be no longer available. However, don’t worry- the salary of 80-90k for their Chief Executive will not be affected by the much needed cutbacks! Neither will the salaries of another 520,000 pounds going to 5 people on 70-80k or 2 people on 60-70k. Nothing like priorities is there! Add to this the fact that they have 14 shops nationwide that will remain open- all with salaried managers ‘seeking unpaid volunteers’. These shops having no policy against selling leather, fur or wool! Their Spokesperson- or Spokesman as he labeled himself said “We see nothing wrong in people eating meat or wearing any of the items we sell, we’re interested in only the welfare of companion animals”- Mainstream arseholes who are making a lovely living out of the ‘Animal Industry’. With ‘friends’ like these.- Go befriend your enemy.

Continuing to ‘benefit’ animals comes another Animal Welfare organization. And the key word with all these named outfits is Welfare. Because it isn’t diluted welfare that’s required its Rights what Animals require. Otherwise they will get what they’re currently receiving-which is frankly little better than appalling.
Dogs Trust comes in at number 13- unlucky for ‘Mans best friend’. Formerly known as the National Canine Defense League.This is the charity that likes to send you its glossy magazine and pictures/greeting cards of the dog you sponsor. They recently tethered their links with the Kennel Club (Toffs who control Crufts and the pedigree dog breeding fraternity-promoters of Eugenics-see Adolf Hitler- and inbreeding and shortening of lives of various breeds through their advocated practices). Dogs Trust patron is Her Majesty the Queen. God Save The Queen!Though the accounts don’t show Lizzie The Kraut making any donation to their cause.Their bankers are Barclays.- The same bank whose loans have helped prop up the ailing H.L.S.-Huntingdon Life Sciences.- The notorious Animal abusers and killers who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of animals through their experiments-including thousands of dogs! Their Chief Exec collects 110-120k a year. Secretary is on 90-100k.. 2 more weigh in for 80-90k. 3 more pick up 50-70k. So your first 550,000 pounds goes not on education regarding the keeping of dogs or on further lobbying and upping the ante for a national dog register or not even on taking care of the unwanted and disregarded dogs in their care.- “Mans best friend is his dog!?” Pity it doesn’t work the other way round. Shameless.
W.S.P.A.- or Wispa as they have become known. Well don’t ‘whisper’ this-go and shout it-“They are speceists!” – World Society for Protection of Animals- Their ‘vision is stated as being’ “A world where animal welfare(told you about that word earlier,didn’t I) matters and animal cruelty ends” (unless you’re a farm animal, you’ll see) their ‘mission’ is ‘to build a united global animal welfare movement’’ Great news for those in this industry-all preaching the same watered down hypocrisy. Not great for many animals. Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ of ‘all animals being equal, just some more equal than others’ is a chilling despicable reality. They do not have a policy of ‘employing Vegetarians or Vegans and ‘we do not want to be see as promoting this’ is what they state when questioned. They continued ‘this would be seen as taking a stance that would aim to do farmers out of business.’ ‘And therefore neither farmers nor politicians would engage in ways they have done with us so far.’- Talk about un-informed nonsense from profiteering philistines! This is basic fundamental stuff. Veganism and Vegetarianism can sustain the whole country-both economically and in beneficial dietary terms. But no- they don’t want to re-educate.God forbid that they ‘Rock the boat” They wish to peddle the easily digestible ‘Lets save the bear and the tiger. And if this be at the expense of the sheep,cow,hen and lamb-so be it!- By there own figures there are 62 billion-yes billion- animals slaughtered on farms every year. Yet this they don’t see as a problem and don’t wish to address-And they claim to be the “World Society For Protection of Animals”!-This is what welfare brings- don’t face the problem- legitimize it and ease the conscience of those who are partaking in this process- the meat and dairy consumers whose money makes this the reason for its taking place. W.S.P.A. are no better than those who illicit the killing and the cruelty. They again dilute the interests of animals and further add resistance to the only way to stop ALL animal abuse- Veganism and an end to speceism.
These people pick up 600,000 pounds in delivering this message. 3 on 90-100k. 3 on 70-80k. And 2 collecting 60-70 k. Its all about the money folks! Nothing to do with solving the problem. These organizations quite simply couldn’t afford for that to take place!
Giving us a ‘break’ from the string of animal charities then comes a set up where the supposed priority is that of children. Dying children.
Great Ormond Street. Recently given ‘X Factor’ promotion by Simon Cowell and his contestants.-The karaoke kings helped keep their profiles at the forefront with their charity single donating its money to this cause. The website is appropriately titled And you will gasp when you see what some are taking out in salaries. The top earner taking home just short of a whopping 200,000 pounds a year! 2nd highest collects a ‘mere’ 100-109,000. Three people get between 90 to 100,000 a piece. One on 80-90k and 6 more on 60-70k. So a big round of applause for the terminally ill kids to without whom none of this could be taking place- or is it down to the public donating without first checking where the money is going to be spent? Not only do dying children in hospital beds make excellent promotional opportunities with superb photographic exposure. In this case they are propping up 11 people’s salaries to the tune of over 1 million pounds. Well done boys and girls. You didn’t die in vain after all.
Taking the stakes up a notch further. At number 10.
Macmillan. A charity that benefits from the misery of cancer. The first 1.1 million pounds donated going on ‘administration’-Salaries. Their head honcho receives between 120 and 130 k. Another ‘lucky’ so and so is paid between 90 and 100k. 3 more weigh in for 80-90k each. 5 get 70-80k. 6 receive 60-70k This lot are one of the most pro active ‘charity tin shakers’- having been seen in Pubs- good time to approach ,isn’t it-somebody been drinking and least likely to ask how the money will be actually used? And also rather aptly(sic) doing collections at Greyhound tracks-Macmillan being in full knowledge of the fact that there are over 10,000 dogs die a year as a result of being part of the Greyhound Industry. Profitable stuff, Cancer. Now I see why it’s never been cured!
Water Aid. Using the typical, archetypal skinny starving African images in their adverts. The TV advertising campaign(with 0800 Freephone-don’t worry they can afford it)they pedal the same perceived stereotype- Millions of starving poor black people who have loads of children desperately need OUR help and most importantly ,YOUR money.
Chief Executive Barbara Frost doesn’t feel the cold though-in her duties she clocks up plenty of air miles visiting 12 countries throughout Africa & Asia and spending several years in Australia.-That’s what their website informs us-Quite why she’s been in Australia-your guess is as good as mine. Still, sure she works ‘tirelessly’ for her salary of 90-100k per annum. 3 more collect 70-80 k each for their efforts. 2 are on 60-70,000 per annum.And 15 people are on the payroll receiving 50-60 k.Total- 1.1 million on salaries-Kerrching!!! HRH Prince Charles is the Patron. “One wonders how much the Prince of Wales should give of his many millions to such a cause.”- I suspect not one penny. Though I do expect he has had loads of trips to Africa-funded by UK taxpayers money.- Nothing quite like the site of ‘subservient peasants’ showing their humble gratitude to their ‘mighty masters’ as they hold out their hands and beg for the basics of water and sanitation.- Just like the ‘good old days’ of Empire.
Sense. Another charity that also regularly run a nationwide television advertising campaign. Aiming to support the needs of children and adults who are deaf and blind.
See No Evil.Hear No evil. This charity has 3 people earning between 90 and 100k each. 4 more on 80-90k a year. 6 collecting 70-80,000. 5 whose wages are between 60 and 70,000. Total of 1.3 million on salaries. Wonder if those suffering from such terrible afflictions have any idea of how they benefit our society with their condition through the jobs and excessive salaries this generates?
Perhaps the most well known animal charity to the ‘man or woman in the street’ is the
R.S.P.C.A. (Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) The name in itself is something of a contradiction in terms as if there’s one thing the Royal Family and its many upper class lineage are more than happy to do for fun- it is to cause serious cruelty to many animals. Foxes, stags, grouse, pheasant. - All to be killed in the name of ‘sport’.
The R.S.P.C.A. is a massive money making machine. - It’s wealth was recently reported as being in excess of 100 million. It pays out in salaries somewhere between 1.5 million and 2 million per annum. Chief Exec collects 100-109,000. A further 16 people collect over 60k a year. It employs 1,500 people and spent a ‘cool’ 21 million on the ‘vitally important’ task of new office headquarters. Any one who has had dealings with the R.S.P.C.A. in its second most important objective (making money obviously being it’s first) will know they usually perform their duties in a pitiful manner. For years they moaned of not having enough powers to carry out prosecutions- yet recently the law was changed to give them far more weight in being able to bring prosecutions. Legislation that stated it was illegal to prevent an animal from displaying its natural behavior was introduced. Yet still the R.S.P.C.A. shy’s away from prosecuting those who will leave dogs tethered on ropes and left for hours on end. Put a call into them (it’s a free phone number if you wish to make a donation, but if you’re reporting cruelty you have to pay for the call!) your details are taken and it will take 3-4 days on average for the animal to be visited! Getting information in terms of feedback as to what has taken place is again a whole new set of challenges- they as standard refuse to inform you unless a prosecution is brought. When reporting the consistent abuse of a dog near by me-it was being left tied to a rope for 8-9 hours a day. I managed to track down the warden who had visited the said abuser. He informed me that he had warned the woman in question not to continue to treat the dog like this and had threatened her with ‘further action’ if she continued to do so. However, he then stated that although technically they could prosecute if she continued to do this-they wouldn’t do that. Continuing he stated ‘it wouldn’t be wise for us to take up court space with something like this. Politically it would see judges frowning upon us as there court rooms were being filled with these lesser type of cruelty cases. We have to leave this kind of thing-so we can just concentrate on the extreme cases.’- And here’s me thinking that courts were for the benefit of society and to see justice served for all its people! The woman continues to abuse her dog knowing that the previous threat from the R.S.P.C.A.was merely that-a threat of empty words.
In 1992 the R.S.P.C.A. introduced its ‘Freedom Food’ assurance scheme which supposedly ensured ‘strict welfare criteria’ for farm animals. Apart from the fact that it is nothing short of farcical- the equivalent of a paedophile saying they looked after children well, shortly before abusing them. Or those in charge of concentration camps stating that prisoners were kept in reasonable conditions before being murdered en masse. - There have been many reports and instances of cruelty within these RSPCA approved facilities! The RSPCA now does what it can to try and keep these farm locations a secret. After all, we must ease the way for the mass consuming general public so they can eat their meat with a ‘clear conscience’. The so called protectors of animals are clearly of more danger to them than they are of being there to benefit them. The organization continues with its moral-less activities- It has previously been shown to have some 8 million pounds invested in I.C.I., Glaxo Smithkline, B.P., Fisons, Unilever and Boots. All of these are relentless users of animals in laboratory tests. Members of the RSPCA council also sit on the pro-vivisection Research Defense Society. One of the latest occurancies is typical of the RSPCA.-Summer 2009; they attend a house where they kill 10 Alsatian dogs using a bolt gun!!! They did not approach any organization in regard to re-homing these creatures –they were instead barbarically exterminated.

The RSPCA have very little interest whatsoever in animals having any meaningful rights. They are a set of mainstream welfareists whom have amongst their ranks people who are identified as the enemy by true animal loving activists. They are only interested in maintaining their cozy relationship with the authorities (government, judiciary) and the last thing they wish to do is ‘rock the boat’ or lose the monopoly on being the ones who ‘police’ animal welfare. They enjoy far too good a living to ever risk putting that in danger.
N.S.P.C.C. (National Society Prevention of Cruelty to Children.) They define their role as lobbying Government & MP’s on key NSPCC policies. Ensuring that new legislation is appropriate and that the welfare of children remains high on the political agenda. Proves to be a profitable business for the top brass. Chief Exec is in the 130-140k wage bracket. 3 people take home 100kplus. 19 people are on 60kplus. So the first 1.6 million donated goes on covering their wages. They are currently running a TV ad campaign asking for the ‘easily affordable’ amount of 2 pounds a month from your donation? Which means just over 800,000 donators are required to cover their wages. Sure they achieve it easily with the centre of the campaign being crying, little children. Who could resist helping them?
Number 5 in the league of shame.-
Barnardos - Dating back to 1867 with HRH Duchess of Cornwall as a patron.(If we exterminated all the royals and sold all their assets- land, property, possessions etc. can you imagine how much money would be realized-more than enough to address all the unfortunates who are being exploited by this charity racket). This charity actually declared a 145,000 pounds loss for 2009.-Still, don’t worry too much. It continues to employ 5,600 people and managed to make sure Chief Exec Martin Narey got his salary of between 160,000 and 170,000 .-Although it fails to mention this in their “Get to know” Barnardos Chief Exec interview on their website-Wonder why? But check it out- It’s so heart rendering! With 2 more people picking up between 100,000 and 110,000. 2 on 90-100k. 9 on 80-90k. 8 on 70-80k. and 10 on 60-70k. Total- 2.42 million- They are desperately in need of your funds! The ‘objective’ is to help poor, sick ,handicapped and aged people-to teach them the Christian faith.- As it supposedly said in the Bible(if you believe in faebles,fairy stories and nonsense like this)
Jesus was disgusted at the people in the temple peddling their wares and making money from religion. Let god strike down these money making blasphemers!
Number 4.
Action For Children. The company who ran a high profile television advertising campaign with Davina McCall at the head of it.- They refused to say how much Davina received for being involved in this.- Boasting 6,500 employees. They felt the need to spend 1 million pounds on upgrading their payroll facility! Priorities also dictated that they spend another 2.6 million plus on exec’s wages! 60-70k- 16 people. 70-80k- 7 people. 80-90k- 7 people. 90-100k- 2 people. 100-110k- 3 people. 110-120k- one.
130-140k- one. They clearly have more front than Blackpool when they tug at the heartstrings and beg for ‘cash for the kids.’
Number 3.
P.D.S.A. The Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals.- founded in 1917 and hosting a long list of celebrity supporters on their website. Ranging from the likes of Penny Lancaster,Rod Stewart, Elton John, horse whipping Frankie Dettori, Holly Willoughby, Jenny Frost, Simon Cowell, Daytime TV’s Trisha. And also including in their ‘we love animals’ celeb brigade- Tory supporting, in favour of hunting- Kirstie Allsopp. Daughter of dairy-farmer and proud of it- Sara Cox. And celebrity chef and promoter of murdering animals for food-Anthony Worrall Thompson. Seems to be a concerted effort to tie themselves to household name celebrities. Not surprisingly for these mainstream operators they have no policy to employing Vegetarians or Vegans-they seeing it as not relevant. Sure they disapprove of people eating cats or dogs though-Would seriously reduce the centre of their core business. Their top earner collects 120-130k. Another picks up 100-110k. Two more on 90-100k. 2 on 80-90k. 7 struggle by on a mere 70-80k and a further 23 of their people collect between 60 and 70,000 a year. So that’s 2.6 million plus- Treating sick pets is clearly one very,very,profitable business. And the amount of times I hear these people saying that the only reason that your vet bill is so high is that it due to the government putting V.A.T.on all the drugs administered.-?
Number 2
British Heart Foundation . As well as murdering Beagles in their financing of research. BHF like to pay excessive, obscene salaries reaching in excess of 3 million pounds! The charity fighting heart and circulatory disease pay their chief executive between 180,000-190,000 a year. Worth considering this the next time you see one of their people wandering the high street explaining how desperately they need your money on a direct debit. Next highest earner is on 160-170k a year. Then there’s another on 150-160k. One more on 110-120k. four collecting between 100-110k. five receive 90-100k. four get 80-90,000. seven get 70-80,000. eleven weigh in for between 60 and 70,000 pounds per annum. 34 people in total receiving in excess of 60,000 per annum. Seems like a lot of ‘Cheifs’ to boss the ‘Indians’!
And finally at Number 1. With a overall wage bill of a whopping, massive, grossly obscene beyond belief 12 million pounds-yes 12 million pounds! The biggest profiteer from the Big C-
Cancer Research Society. Chief Executive Harpal Kumar got over a quarter of a million pounds for his salary last year! Receiving 260-270,000 pounds!!!
Further executives received remuneration as follows:
160-170k- one. 150-160k-two. 150-160k-one. 140-150k-three. 130-140k-three.
120-130k- two. 110-120k- three 100-110k –eight. 90-100k-eleven
Hope you’re keeping up! That’s 35 people so far-all earning in excess of 90,000 pounds!
80-90k- twenty nine. 70-80k- thirty nine. 60-70k- fifty.
Another 118 people on the payroll there folks!
And in addition to that there is an official figure of another 3,874 people earning salaries up to the figure of 60k per annum.
With over 4,000 people earning in excess of 12 million –Is it any wonder that Cancer cannot be afforded to be cured?
How many times have we heard of life prolonging drugs being available to combat cancers yet they are not ‘cost effective’ for the NHS to be able to issue them. Drugs like Wastin that prolongs life for patients suffering from Bowel cancer-Denied to people on the NHS.
Drugs like Tarceva that prolongs life for people suffering from Breast cancer- Denied.
Over half of all effective drugs are denied by the NHS as being not ‘cost effective.’
Reality is that the pharmaceutical companies and Research organizations such as Cancer Research are making a fortune off private funders, government bodies and from donations by the general public. Research companies are receiving vast sums of money to gather mountains of data from repeated needless tests on animals to protect pharmaceutical companies so if they are taken to court to be sued they can cover their selves accordingly. This research is often unreliable- Rodents are the most commonly used animal in Cancer Research. They never get carcinomas, the human form of cancer, which affects membranes (e.g. lung cancer) their sarcomas affect bone and connective tissue: the two are completely different. On several occasions the House of Lords has questioned why unexpected reactions to drugs have been responsible for killing more people than die of cancer. These drugs having been regarded as safe as they were tested so on animals. It’s an unreliable science. It’s a con. It’s a situation that sees thousands of people making money from misery. They have no interest in ending the 200 or so Cancers that they are working to find cures for. It’s too profitable a situation for far too many for that to end.
When challenged over the level of salaries these organizations are paying their executives/trustees/managers/staff-there was an almost ‘standard’/politician type response that seemed to cut across this entire industry. For the reality is that this is what this has become-just another industry, another sector in the capitalist business world. –There is even a magazine that seems to contain most of these specific positions within this ‘money from misery’ opportunity.-Entitled the Third Sector . These companies when questioned over ‘How much are you paying your Management and Execs?’ virtually always seem to respond in the same manner- “Out of every one pound donated , 78pence(or some figure in the high seventies or early 80’s) goes directly to addressing the issue etc etc.”- Obviously negating to inform you that the remaining 22% often equates to millions with the excessive salaries as shown. Again when confronted over these specific salaries there is an almost ‘unified, pre-rehearsed, sales type trained,-cover the objection-sell the benefit’ response. - “These salaries are competitive and consistent with what is paid by similar organizations. To attract the best and most suitable people to get the best results for a position of this nature. We have to pay salaries such as this.” The reality is that there are plenty of companies in the charities/not for profit sector whose employee’s motivation is not driven by money or more accurately the need for personal greed through excessively high salaries. We now show you a list of such worthy organizations-making a mockery of the standard garb that those in the ‘league of shame’ wish to peddle as part of there arsenal in doing whatever they can to try and part you from your money.
So, next time your wandering down your high street and see one of their ‘charity shops’ or your approached by one of their ‘representatives’ (often not even working for that org but for a third party whose role is raising money for several different charities) be it on the street or on your doorstep – Remember, before you commit to a direct debit- ask to look at the company accounts. That’s exactly what we did-and that’s how you can see exactly where the monies going. Don’t be fooled by their sentimentality. Don’t be taken in by their focus on percentages or standard rehearsed responses.-The devil is in the detail!!!-
Update-Latest Info:
Shelter - Shelter, whose focus they claim is to find a home for everyone. Their figures boast that they've helped 170,000 people a year 'get back on their feet, find and keep a home'-They reward their Chief Executive handsomely for this.He deemed worthy of being placed in their £90,000-£100,000 pay bracket. A further four Shelter staff/execs receive 70-80k for their efforts.-So, again 'money made from misery' continues with the first 300k+ going on these 'overheads'!
Should the government be bringing in legislation to stop this from happening-Of course they should. But we’ve all seen the way most MP’s across the board behave when it comes to ‘rules ,regulations and laws’ and ways to exploit them and make money from them.-“Expenses”- so do you really think they don’t have some ‘vested interest’ in this as well?
There are literally thousands of charities or not for profit organizations. Ones we’ve encountered who do place ‘principles above profits’- choosing to plough the overall majority of money generated into addressing the core issue at the centre of the cause-and not making massive salaries from peoples genuine attempt at helping others.-Are listed below.
The Vegan Society. Informing people on how they can eliminate animal derived products from their lives-Thus cutting out cruelty, suffering and death to animals and in the process making a healthier and more natural choice. The main emphasis is on educating and informing others on dietary choices through facts regarding both products and recipes. They also have an Education Officer who amongst their remit is to inform and teach youngsters in schools about Veganism. To ‘support’ The Vegan Society is also different to the way many charities/not for profit orgs work-(donations) You join the Society- prices ranging from 7 pounds to 21 pounds-depending on if your under 18 or receiving less than 8,000 per annum. For that membership you receive regular bulletins via email but more importantly the excellently inform able quarterly glossy magazine.- This contains a wealth of information and is amongst the best resources available for anyone considering or who has become a Vegan. People employed by the Society receive salaries ranging from 22,000 pounds to 33,328 pounds- depending on their roles and experience.
Uncaged. A relatively new AR organization having been formed less than a decade ago. They’ve established themselves as a respected and effective campaigning force. They are at the forefront of the anti-vivisection movement. And are engaged in exposing the cruel reality of how certain household products are responsible for misery, suffering and death to countless animals.-Main culprits being Proctor and Gamble. Perhaps most importantly they are spearheading a historic international campaign for a ‘Universal Declaration of Animal Rights’-aiming at extending basic human rights to all sentient creatures. They have also been successful at highlighting the cruelty of certain brands within the lucrative ‘pet’ industry- in particular cat and dog food. The website contains a list of cruelty free pet food brands and exposes Iams, Eukanuba and Hills Science (amongst others) as ones to avoid- Go check it out.
Nobody in Uncaged earns in excess of 30k per year. They only employ Vegans.

Viva! Was founded in 1994 by Juliet Gellatley. Their top earner receives just 29k per annum. Vegetarian International Voice for Animals are the leaders at helping and assisting people with the required information to become Vegetarian and also with the transition from Veggie to Vegan. Over the years they have exposed many barbaric practices from companies with their treatment of animals. Their celeb supporters do have credibility.- Martin Shaw, Joanna Lumley, Benjamin Zephaniah, Heather Mills- In that they DO practice what they preach. They campaign nationally with their Veggie Roadshows.. They do have a company policy of only employing Vegans.

It is perhaps at this point best to bring into the equation –
Peta - People for Ethical Treatment
of Animals.
Over the years Peta have been synonymous with capturing media focus and headlines. Gaining celebrity approval and endorsement from a wide variety of supporters. They have become regarded by certain sections of the Media as ‘Official Voice’ for Animal Rights. Opinion seems to be split amongst the ‘Animal Rights community’ (if such thing exists) as to if they benefit or set back Animal Rights. That in itself is a debate that is quite an extensive one. However, recently there were widespread reports that many feel could not be ignored. Several sources-including present and former employees told of the high number of animals that were being ‘euthanized’ at shelters to which they were linked. People taking in animals that they thought were to be treated (if necessary) or rehomed were finding that the ‘economically more viable’ option was being chosen. Thousands of animals across the U.S.A. were killed. Peta representatives such as Kat Heath have tried to defend this- putting it down to certain animals being to ‘ill, aged, aggressive, unsocialised, to be adoptive’ (Guess that’s ‘uneconomical’ then!) Other Peta spokespersons have denied any link at all and categorically deny any such responsibility.-Allan Hulse. So, with such varied ‘official line’ contradictions. Is it any wonder that so many people are turning there back completely on Peta?

The latest figures declared from Peta’s own ’Animal Record’ for 2009 declare the following:- 2,352 animals taken in across the U.S.A. were killed by Peta with only 8 being adopted!!!! This is nothing short of scandalous! With Peta having a 30 million dollar pound budget. Understandably most right minded people are asking why they do not utilise their time and money to either open more shelters or make the safe passage for animals to safety a focus. As opposed to the constant courting of celebrities to further promote the Peta name. The info confirming these latest figures is available at – Just type Peta in their search engine.

The aforementioned groups are vital in addressing the fundamental problem concerning Mankind’s(sic) treatment of other earth dwelling species.-Getting to the root of the problem and changing the balance with prevention rather than cure. But what about those animals that have been rescued or abandoned –victims of the current ‘status quo’ regime.

Throughout the UK there are a number of vital Animal Sanctuaries. Virtually all are run by true, dedicated animal loving people who make what many would see as sacrifice but they consider as ‘second nature’.

Algernon Trust Animal Sanctuary and Wildlife Rescue.
The Bungalow, Linshire Farm, Whittlebury, Northants. NN12 8XN.
This sanctuary is run by vegan Jane Shepherd. She started it back in 1991. She covers food and vets bills through the donations given-taking no salary and relying on the help of unpaid volunteers. Her weekends are devoted to fetes and fairs to help raise much needed funds. She can be reached at or 01327-858238/ 07977-555238. The residents include cats, dogs, ferrets, foxes, geese and pheasants. Many being available for sponsorship or loving homes.

Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary.
Bury Old Road, Edenfield, Ramsbottom. Lancashire. BL0 0RX. 0844 257 0411
Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary is one of the largest of its kind in the North West of England. It covers 55 acres and has around 450 animals in their care. It has been operating since the early 1960’s. The majority of the animals there are cats and dogs in need of rehoming in loving homes. There are also horses, donkeys, goats, pigs and ferrets taken care of. They mostly have volunteers but do have some full time staff-with no one receiving in excess of the current national average wage. (24,000 per annum)

Brinsley Animal Rescue
69 Hosbic Close, Brinsley, Nottingham. NG16 5AX.
0845 4582813
Run by volunteers and managed by vegans Jon and Beth. All 100% of monies donated goes to running the centre-paying for food, housing, treatment and vets bills for the animals. Sponsorship of animals is available.-Disabled Pigeons, Cows, Goats, Pigs, Ponies and Chickens. There are also rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters and mice available for rehoming.- Why go to a Pet Shop when these guys need a home?

Brook Farm Animal Sanctuary
Brook Farm, Brooks Road, Raunds, Northants, NN9 6NS.
01933-622182 0775 8728265
As well as having farmed animals such as cows, chickens, pigs, sheep and turkeys. They also take care of cats, dogs, rabbits, kittens, peacocks, cockatiels, hedgehogs and baby deer. Run by vegans Susannah, Clive and Rosie-they take no salaries, with all money utilized for the essentials such as food, litter and vets bills. They have animals available for sponsorship and re-homing.

Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary
Wolverton, Warwickshire.
Established in 1988 and run by Carole Webb-who in 2001 received the Mahaveer award from Young Indian Vegetarians- ‘In recognition of their tireless work for animals over many years.’ 100% of the donation goes into the centre with no offices or directors to pay. Rescued farm animals-pigs, sheep, hens, cows/bullocks are available for sponsorship. Carole relies entirely on donations and unpaid volunteers to help take care of approximately 800 animals.

The Farm Animal Sanctuary
Manor Orchard Farm, School Lane, Middle Littleton,
Evesham, Worcestershire. WR11 8LN.
01386 832640
Established for over 20 years and with Joanna Lumley as patron.
Sheep, Goats, Cows, Pigs, Horses, Ponies, Donkeys, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Geese, Ducks, Turkeys, Hens, and Pigeons makes this the sanctuary with the largest varying number of animals being taken care of. They currently have over 600 animals in total. All funds go to the care of animals. Donations are usually done through sponsorship of a specific animal/s that you can be updated of as to how they are.

Farplace Animal Rescue.
Farplace, Sidehead, Westgate, County Durham. DL13 1LE
01388-517397 07860-523434
All staff are either Veggie or Vegan. They have 3 full time employees, non whom take more than 12,000 per annum. As well as having ex-farm animals like battery hens, sheep and turkeys they also have some wildlife. They have many cats that are in need of new homes as well as rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs.

FRIEND Farmed Animal Rescue
Linton View, 89 Bush Road, East Peckham, Tonbridge, Kent. TN12 5LJ
Established in the early 1990’s to give a permanent home to abused, unwanted & orphaned farmed animals so they can live peacefully for the rest of their lives. Currently taking care of about 150 animals- Pigs, cows, geese, goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, dogs, cats, ferrets and a horse. They run freely in an idyllic 10 acre site setting. They welcome people to visit. They rely entirely on donations which are used for animal feed, medical bills and essential equipment.

Folly Wildlife Rescue Trust
Folly Cottage, Danegate, Eridge Green, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. TN3 9JB.
01892-750865 07957-949825
Folly Wildlife is a charity dedicated to the rescue & rehabilitation of injured, orphaned and distressed wild animals and birds throughout West Kent, East Sussex and the surrounding areas. Every year hundreds of millions of animals are maimed or killed involving human activity. Cars, pesticides, plastic netting, fishing line and a host of other hazards around the home, garden and workplace take their toll. Through its education program the trust works tirelessly to reduce them. Mammals and birds are hand reared back to health with many as possible being returned back to the wild. There is a vital supporters group to take care of those too badly injured to be returned to the wild. There is also a ‘adopt a hedgehog’ scheme. Dave and Annette Risley take care of over a 1000 animals and rely entirely on donations and fund raising activities.

Hillfields Animal Sanctuary
Green Hill, Blackwell, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. B60 1BL. 0121-445-3828
Set up by Linda Tudor over 30 years ago. She takes care of over 300 former farmed animals and unwanted domestic pets, including horses, goats, pigs, sheep, hens, dogs, cats, ducks, turkeys and a 28 year old cow. They rely entirely on donations and have an adopt an animal scheme. They also have regular open days and need volunteers to help out.

Hillside Animal Sanctuary.
Hill Top Farm, Hall Lane, Frettenham, Norwhich. NR12 7LT. 01603-736200
Founded in 1995 and taking care of some 900 animals-including around 300 horses, ponies and donkeys. Most of the animals have been rescued from the factory farming industry. Hillside has been involved in exposing the conditions for animals on the RSPCA ‘monitored’ “Freedom Food” farms and also in the exposing of puppy farm conditions in Wales that appeared on TV’s Channel Five News. Horses, goats, pigs, sheep, hens, dogs and cats are available to be sponsored on the adoption scheme.

New Life Parrot Rescue.
P.O. Box 84, St.Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 2LB. 01480-390040
Their location is kept private as parrots and other exotic birds have become prized after possessions worth several hundred pounds or even thousands to the unscrupulous who deal in this ‘business’. A totally non- profit organization. Everybody involved is a volunteer , so every penny goes into the running of the centre. Taking care and providing shelter for neglected parrots. They also run a helpline service which aims to educate and inform people not only on parrots but other birds too. Sponsored adoption is also available.

Rainbow Ark.
Milkup Bank Farm, Withington, Crook,, County Durham, DL15 0RN. 07757-054333
Operating for over 20 years and with over 200 animals including:- cats, dogs, canaries, goats, hens, ferrets, rabbits, geese, turkeys and horses. Owner Paula Campbell is often visited by local children in the area such is the popularity of the centre. Paula also writes some excellent children’s books which are available to be purchased both on the website and at the farm.

Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary, Essex.

Ran by Vegan Achievement award winner- Fiona Oakes. Set up in 1993- There are over 400 animals looked after here. Run from her home (farm) there are No staff. No unnecessary administrative costs and No wages. Fiona and her husband take care of horses, rescued turkeys, pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, cows, cats, dogs, pigs, goats and horses. They desperately need funds as they single handedly try to balance the books with the ongoing bills for the animals food, bedding and veterinary care reaching in excess of 1800 pounds per month.

The Retreat Animal Rescue.
Dalton Road, Crockenhill, Nr.Swanley, Kent. BR8 8EN. 01322-614247
The Retreat is an entirely voluntary and not for profit organization, with all the trustees and most of the volunteers being vegan. All funds raised go to the welfare of the animals that come into The Retreat’s care and where possible animals are rehomed in permanent loving homes. Operating for over 10 years now they have ex-racehorses, ex-riding ponies, injured live export sheep, ex-petting farm goats, injured birds, saved Christmas turkeys, worn out battery hens, old, feral and FIV cats and dogs that have failed behavior tests in other homes. Also being given a safe and secure home for life are doves, ducks and geese, cows, sheep, cockerels and pigs. They recently appointed Heather Mills as patron.

So there it is ladies and gentlemen. We have outlined some of the better known animal sanctuaries-the ones with the most animals being taken care of, the ones who are a little more ‘specialist’, some of the ones who have gained a brilliant reputation. The key thing to remember if you are looking to donate time, money or any other resource is to do your research. And most importantly of all- if you are looking at giving a home to any companion animal- DO NOT buy from breeders, pet shops, or any individual or organization that sell animals and continues to breed them –bringing more and more animals into the world when there are thousands who are in need of a home already.- In addition always costing you unnecessary expense that often runs into many hundreds of pounds.- The link below provides your first port of call for the most ethical and cost effective way to source your ‘pet’. There are almost 100 animal sanctuaries listed throughout the UK- and they only require a small donation from you as they seek to find suitable homes for the scores of animals they have available to suitable loving homes.


Vegan: - not containing any animal derived product. A person who lives without exploiting animals- for the benefit of the people, for the benefit of the planet, for the benefit of all species-not just some. Vegans do not consume meat, milk, eggs or honey-or any product that has these or there derivatives in their ingredients. Vegans also do not use products containing any leather, wool or silk. Vegans can have a varied diet. Vegans do have a wide choice of foods and products to choose from. A balanced vegan diet (also referred to as a ‘plant-based’ diet) means eating a healthier diet-meeting current healthy recommendations of consuming more fruit, vegetables and wholegrains and consuming less cholesterol and saturated fats. Balanced vegan diets are rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants and fibre and can decrease your chances of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and many cancers. Well-planned plant-based diets are suitable for all age groups and all stages of life.

“What do you eat, then?”

The Western society in which we live has for some time now conditioned people to think of things (in particular food/drink) in terms of the ‘convenience’. I.E.. fast food. It also conditions people from an early age to view food as a means to meet a requirement and does little to educate in terms of what it is that is being eaten. And in particular to how that food is ‘harvested’.- Put simply, many people do NOT make the link between a piece of meat on their plate and the animal that it has come from that has paid with its life. The ‘politics’ of food often see the multi million pound meat and dairy industries dictating policy for the government- Were you aware that Animal Rights groups have been prevented from showing what takes place in slaughterhouses as part of TV advertising campaigns?- “So, what do you eat then?” –The most commonly asked question when people learn of you being a vegan. Vegan diets can vary tremendously. There are some vegans who may consume chips every day!- Just as there are other unhealthy non vegans who may eat this as well! But a balanced, varied diet is the key. For some time now it has been established that it is healthier to eat smaller ‘meals’ on a more regular basis. I.E. four to five ‘meals’ at 2.5 hour to 3 hour gaps rather than the ‘traditional’ three meals a day. For breakfast- take your pick from a whole host of cereals- but I myself prefer the healthiest choice of a shredded wheat type cereal or jumbo oats porridge – either with soya milk or water. –sometimes adding chopped strawberries to add to the taste.

In terms of what else I may eat in a typical day- Fruit- Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Strawberries, Grapes; - obviously the options available are as big as your imagination or the stock of your fruit supplier! As someone who trains on a daily basis – a form of post workout protein intake is vital. Whereas many people that have exercised or done some kind of workout will often opt for fish, egg whites or a protein drink often containing whey or some milk substance in its format. I would recommend the Realeat ‘Chicken style’ pieces-obviously being vegan- they are made from a soya based protein source. In terms of the nutritional breakdown of these ‘chicken style’ pieces they are second to none. A 100 gram serving gives you 29 grams of protein, 1.5 grams of Carbs, 1.6 grams of Fat .Which is far better than both eggs and fish in terms of its nutritional values- less fat, less carbs and almost the ‘perfect’ amount of protein- (the body is only able to take in 30 grams of protein per serving, the rest turning into fat.) At 2.40 for a 350 gram bag from Holland and Barrett- it’s also more financially economical! Other good sources of protein are also available at good health food shops in way of protein powder based shakes you mix with either soya milk or water and coming in Hemp or Pea options depending on your own personal taste preference. My other ‘meals’ will usually be either around 80 grams of brown rice with vegetables- carrots, peas, and broccoli- or pasta with a tomato and mushroom sauce.(although it is important to check the ingredients of pasta as some are made using eggs.) Other options include rye or pumpernickel bread-an excellent source for fibre and complex carbohydrates. And also jacket potatoes, rich in complex carbs and good for protein as well. There are also many ‘convenience’ type foods now being made by companies such as Fry’s and Redwoods- to name but two.- which as well as being available direct through their websites are stocked in many good health food shops. These foods are often soya based alternatives so as well as doing things such as falafel(chick peas)-They also do sausages, chicken, turkey, ham, beef, pepperoni, mince, fish style fingers and cakes, bacon, black-pudding, cheeses, ice creams, cheesecakes and chocolate. Sauces, such as egg free mayonnaise and dairy free salad cream -

The bottom line is that literally anything you like the taste of is now
available in a vegan version!!!

When it comes to non food items like clothing, shoes, belts and stuff commonly referred to as ‘accessories’ – Long gone are the days when it was an uphill task with limited often poor quality imitations being the only choice. Whilst finding footwear on the high street that isn’t leather is still only a small percentage of the stock in most mainstream shoe shops.The internet has now opened up the way to a large, stylish range.- Vegetarian Shoes, Freerangers, Ethical Wares, Beyond Skin and Mooshoes being the main players-(see links of this website) All offering a truly great range of shoes, boots, trainers, belts, jackets, gloves and bags. All these items are made from various forms of breathable micro fibres-They are hard-wearing and act and look exactly the same as leather. Often people may refer to me wearing ‘leather’ shoes and a ‘leather’ belt and using a ‘leather’ wallet.-Thinking they are made from leather, as they clearly can’t see any difference.- I then show them the logo or label and refer them to the relevant website! Leather is simply no longer necessary and is another example of how society has conditioned us to thinking it’s perfectly acceptable to use animals as commodities. ‘Old habits’ die hard. And thus sentient creatures die young.

Wool is also another fabric that is widely used. There are a large range of alternatives available- Again all equally as effective. Clothing which has the appearance of wool and is just as effective can be achieved by using combinations of nylon, polyester or cotton mixes. Too many people are not aware or willing to turn a blind eye to the farming methods involved in the use of sheep. As well as the psychological damage to this gentle and passive animal-being found to be feeling desolate when those close to them are taken away-they being a social herd animal. They are subjected to a series of stresses and abuses throughout their lives. Lambs are castrated with a rubber ring round their testes or by having them cut off with a knife-usually without anaesthetic the same applies to when the tail is docked. Mulesing.- This practice is carried out across Australia, where much of the wool available in the UK comes from and was introduced to reduce the risk of fly-strike. Fully conscious lambs have chunks of flesh sliced from their back end. Lambs are left in excruciating pain and left with a wound that takes weeks to heal. The shearing process itself is also an extremely stressful experience with workers forcibly restraining sheep and as they rush often causing bloody injuries. Some one million sheep are reported to die in Australia alone from exposure after shearing. Other fabrics that are now becoming more widely used and have emerged as the best in ‘alternative’ fabrics- not only because of them being kinder to the environment through their manufacturing process – but because of their appearance and durability are bamboo and hemp.(Check out the advantages in the Threads part of this website in the MERCHANDISE section) The abuse and cruelty also applies to the practices of making honey .Honey is yet another Product that has been marketed as being ‘sweet, tasty, healthy,’ it is no better than sugar in any of these and is quite simply bee vomit. Because of its size the needs of the bee are quite simply overlooked. Bees are social insects that live in a well-organised colony. They work together to keep the colony running smoothly, protecting and feeding one another and undertaking many other tasks together. In commercial honey production bees undergo treatments similar to those used in factory farming. Whole colonies of bees may be killed to save feeding them during the winter and the queen bee has her wings clipped and is artificially inseminated with sperm from decapitated male bees. Beekeepers take the bees honey and to replace it often feed them artificial pollen substitutes and white sugar syrup. The honeybee flies about 500 miles in her working life and produces half a teaspoon of honey. Much of it is taken away. Leading scientists have expressed great concern at the numbers of bees that have died in recent times and the catastrophic effect this could have on the eco system. Colony Collapse Disorder has been widely reported with millions of bees being killed and hundreds of different ‘breeds’ of bee becoming extinct.. Yet still many people continue to pay little regard to whether a product contains honey or to the purchasing of honey and this ridiculous man made practice. Silk – This product is produced by silkworms. A silk cocoon is spun by the silkworm caterpillar by manipulating a thin silk thread in a figure of eight movement some 300,000 times. Once the caterpillar is ready to turn into a moth, she must break down the cocoon in order to emerge. This process would destroy much of the silk; therefore the majority of the moths are killed by being immersed in boiling water or dried in an oven. It takes literally hundreds of silkworms to make just one small silk scarf or tie. All this for another well marketed ‘luxury’ product. Cotton ties are more practical- not needing to be dry cleaned and far more hard wearing. Yet another ridiculous unnecessary man made concept.

Having looked at how these Man made practices effects sheep, bees and silk worms. We should not forget what happens to cows, fish, hens and pigs.
Cattle are gregarious animals that, in a more natural environment, would live in complex social groups. They would choose a leader and form close friendships, grooming and licking one another to show their affection. Cattle–farming upsets this hierarchy in many ways, because new members and divisions of the herd can be very disruptive.Cattle bred for beef may be kept in a variety of systems. Frequently they are kept in windowless fattening sheds until ready for slaughter. They have little or no room to move and no access to the outside, to feel fresh air and sunlight.
Before being killed, cattle are stunned by a shot into their brain from a captive bolt pistol. Frequently they struggle or move around because they are terrified by the situation, so sometimes the bolt misses the mark and the cattle are not stunned. Thus they are conscious while being killed by having their throat slit and bleeding to death.Most cows are now artificially inseminated. The cow is tied up and one hand of the inseminator manipulates the cervix through the rectum wall whilst the other discharges semen into the vagina and cervix using an inseminator gun. This is uncomfortable and stressful for the cow and needless to say the least natural thing nature intended. Dairy- Both the mother and calf suffer greatly at the hands of the milk industry. Dairy cows have been selectively bred to produce ten times more the milk than they would naturally need to feed their calves. This can result in mastitis, a painful udder infection, and lameness when they are forced to stand all day in a cow shed.In order to produce the milk the mother must be kept continually pregnant. So three months after she has given birth and while she is still producing milk, she will be made pregnant again. This puts a huge strain on her. Moreover, the calf is taken away soon after birth so that any milk produced by the cow can be sold for humans to drink. The mother and calf form a strong bond very quickly and the cow continually calls after her calf has been taken away from her. The separation causes a lot of confusion, stress and mental anguish to the calf- as would be the case for any young separated from its mother.The cow is put through this heart breaking and exhausting procedure not once but an average of five times, until she is deemed to be no use to the farmer and killed. Cows have been known to simply keel over and die at around five years of age because of this process. Leading natural lives they usually live to between 25 and 30 years of age. The same processes apply to Organic and free range farming- The only differences being the cow is allowed to roam as opposed to being kept in sheds. The calf is usually disbudded, whereby a heated iron is applied to the horn buds to stop the horns growing. This is painful and stressful. Male cattle are also castrated by methods that cause the animal acute pain.Female calves are often kept to produce milk and join the continuous process as outlined. Male calves are deemed useless and killed or sent abroad and subjected to being kept in veal crates before being killed. Man is the only species that drinks the milk of another species. It is no more natural to drink the milk of a cow than it is to drink the milk of a cat, badger or any other animal. It is not necessary. Women produce milk to suckle their offspring for a reason. It is what nature intended. The practice of children needing to be supplied milk as part of their growth is nothing more than a myth carefully created by the Milk Marketing Board. Calcium is available through a variety of vegetables and also through soya milk. The reason the cow is subjected to this is because Man has bred them to produce more milk than any other creature- He treats them like ‘mass milk producing machinery’ and disregards them when he has finished with them. Fish Supper? Fish suffer . Not only do fish feel pain, they are very sensitive to stimuli. Some of their senses are far more developed than ours. Fish are highly responsive to touch and have an incredible sense of smell. They have sensory hairs along their sides that allow them to detect gentle currents and vibrations and sense the motion of other animals.Like other animals, fish use the sensation of pain to help them survive. It tells them when they should withdraw immediately. It is pain that motivates a fish to fight vigorously when hooked, in a desperate attempt to get away.Various types of nets are used in sea-fishing including drift nets and bottom trawls. Drift nets may be over two miles long. Fish that swim into the net become trapped by their gills when they try to back out. Marine mammals, such as seals and porpoises, also become trapped and drown when they are unable to reach the surface to breathe.Bottom trawls are dragged over the seabed and as well as fish catch every other species living on the seabed. As the fish are dragged from the ocean they experience decompression which often causes the eyes to pop and the swim bladder to rupture.Many are crushed to death under the weight of other dying fish and those that survive are left to suffocate when removed from the water or may be gutted alive. The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that all seventeen of the world’s major fishing areas have either reached or exceeded their natural limits. Put quite simply-Man is overfishing and threatening the existence of not only most of the species of fish but also an whole ecosystem that birds, mammals and smaller organisms depend on to survive.
The rearing of farmed fish can be compared to other types of factory farming. With very limited space the fish can barely exercise and injuries to the snout and fins are common. These are generally caused by rubbing against the net or by collision or aggression between fish as they fight for space. Wild salmon migrate over hundreds of miles and this is completely frustrated by keeping them in the small static cages that fish-farming involves. The stocking density of salmon is equivalent to keeping a two-foot salmon in a bath, whilst trout have even less space to move in. Few consumers realize that the true cost of cheap salmon includes the death of millions of other animals who are seen as predators. Birds, seals, mink, otters and many other animals are killed by fish-farmers.
Before slaughter fish are starved for up to three weeks. They may then be killed by electrocution, by a blow to the head with a club or by being frozen to death in ice. Alternatively the fish’s gill arches are cut or torn and life is literally drained as they are left to bleed to death in the tank. Fish farms may be rife with disease so large quantities of chemicals are used in an attempt to control it. Defra has noted that, “To date there are no easy treatments for any of these diseases.”
Fish-farming also affects wild fish, which are fed to farmed fish such as salmon, trout and cod. It takes up to three tons of wild fish to produce one ton of farmed salmon and up to five tons to produce a ton of farmed cod or haddock. On the subject of fish- many do not realize the physical and psychological harm caused by the ‘sport’ of Fishing by anglers. Hooks can damage mouths. The membrane of the body of the fish being can be damaged and infected from being handled. This is a far from ethical pastime.
Hens, ducks, geese and turkeys- Eggs and Poultry. Hens can be very sociable. They enjoy sunbathing and like turkeys love to dust-bathe in order to keep clean. As with other birds mother hens’ desire to build a nest for their young is very strong. They have a strong bond with their chicks which begins even before they are hatched with the chick and hen calling to each other. In the wild, ducks and geese spend much of their time swimming and flying and may travel for hundreds of miles during migration. Geese choose one partner who they stay with for life through thick and thin whilst ducks live and sleep in groups.
On factory farms these birds are taken from their mothers before birth, thus being denied most of their natural types of behaviour. No water is provided for ducks and geese to swim in and there is no chance for hens and turkeys to dust- bathe. They are crammed into sheds where the stench of ammonia from their droppings is intense and often leads to respiratory problems. Selective breeding means that these young birds grow very fast. Their bones have no time to become strong enough to hold their weight and many birds have broken bones and lose the ability to fly. An investigation by Compassion in World Farming found crippled birds in chicken farms unable to reach food and drink, carcasses trampled by live birds and piles of decomposing bodies left to rot.

The Killing. Birds are commonly hung upside down in shackles by their feet and passed through a bath of electrified water which should stun them before their throats are slit. The birds are killed at the rate of 8-10,000 per hour and left to bleed to death.

Egg Production. Most laying hens are kept in battery cages with several birds to one cage. The amount of room in which each bird spends her life is roughly the same size as an A4 sheet of paper or a microwave oven. In these conditions hens often fight. To prevent this they are de-beaked by having the tips of their beak sliced off in a de-beaking machine. This is an agonizing procedure which leaves the hen in pain for days. It has been found that hens who have been de-beaked avoid using their beaks except for feeding. Privacy is very important to an egg-laying hen but it is utterly denied to her. Her desire to make a nest is also very strong, but again this is simply not possible.
Other systems such as free-range and barn also bring their own set of problems. There is more aggression leading to greater feather pecking and cannibalism. So as in battery cage systems farmers often again deploy the de-beaking procedure. As in the battery system, half of all chicks are gassed at day one because they are males and hence no good for egg laying. Whether a bird is in battery, free range or barn- in the egg farming system she will be killed after just 18 months. At this point the laying cycle of the hen decreases from one egg per day to 85%- five in a week as opposed to seven. - This is deemed ‘economically unviable’ and so the ‘product’ is ‘terminated. Depending on the breed the hen would have lived to the age of around five to seven years. So, when you buy any egg-be it free range, organic or battery- it all ends the same way-Birds being murdered less than a third into their natural lifespan.
Pigs. Pigs are sociable, tactile and inquisitive animals. They like to roll in mud to keep cool and protect their sensitive skin from the sun. They are very clean and given the chance they will always keep their ‘latrine’(communal lavatory) separate from their living quarters. In a more natural envirionment the sow would build a nest upto three feet high for her babies. In the factory farm the sow is given a concrete floor with no straw and the nesting instinct is totally frustrated. The sow can barely move and often ends up crushing some of her piglets. In the wild the sow constructs the nest so that crushing cannot happen but in the factory farm the death of piglets in this way is inevitable. So to ‘combat’ this the sows piglets are taken away after three weeks, causing great distress to mother and babies. The piglets are still reliant upon their mother at this time and in a natural environment would still be suckling. Most piglets have their teeth clipped and tails cut off to stop them fighting and tail chewing. They are put into small pens or metal cages and after about six weeks go to fattening pens where they have little room to move and never see fresh air. Their intelligent, enquiring minds are dulled down by boredom and total lack of stimulation. Pigs to be killed are stunned with electric tongs or gas, hoisted up by one leg and have their throats slit. They are then put into a tank of boiling water to remove their bristles. It is estimated that in the UK approximately a million pigs a year regain consciousness before they die from loss of blood. There are reports of pigs being boiled alive because they had not been stunned properly. This is what peoples money supports and finances when they buy their bacon butties and pork sausages.

Are your meals costing the earth?

World meat production has quadrupled in the past 50 years and farmed animals now outnumber people by more than three to one. In other words, the livestock population is expanding faster than the human population and is projected to continue to expand as the Chinese middle classes increasingly adopt meat centered diets and as the Western taste for meat, eggs and dairy products continue to grow(Along with our waistlines). This trend will contribute to continuing malnourishment in the developing world, global warming, widespread pollution, deforestation, land degradation, water scarcity and species extinction because more animals mean more crops are needed to feed them: the planet cannot feed both increasing human and farmed animal populations. So if we are trying to reduce our car use, limit the amount of water we waste, become more ‘energy-efficient’ and generally lessen our envirionmental impact, we must also examine the most important factor of our personal ecological footprint: what we eat. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)2005 report states that hunger causes the death of more than five million children a year. With the world’s population expected to increase from 6 billion to 10 billion by 2050, one of the most urgent questions we now face is how we, as a species, will feed ourselves in the 21st century.
Land availability is one of the main constraints on food production. The Earth has only a limited area of viable agricultural land, so how this land is used is central to our ability to feed the world. Western diets play a large part in depriving the world’s poor of much needed food. This is because livestock consume more protein, water and calories than they produce. Most of the protein from vegetable feeds is used for the animal’s bodily functions and not converted to meat, eggs or milk. Europe imports 70 per cent of its animal feeds- often from countries with high levels of malnutrition. A varied vegan diet uses just one fifth of the land needed for a typical European omnivorous diet: Quite simply, we do not have enough land to feed everyone on an animal-based diet. So while 840 million people do not have enough food, we continue to waste valuable agricultural land by obtaining only a small fraction of its potential calorific value. The world’s population is increasing and viable agricultural lands are diminishing. If we are to avoid future global food scarcity we must find sustainable ways of utilizing our natural resource base. The amount of pounds of protein produced per acre of land is as follows: Beef-100
Pork-200, Milk-220, Eggs-300, Rice-300, Wheat-700, Potatoes-800, Soya-1050.
Industrial livestock production is unsustainable and unjustifiable.
The World Resources Institute (WRI) states that nearly 40 per cent of the world’s agricultural land is seriously degraded. The international Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) predicts that if land loss continues at current rates, an additional 150-360 million hectares could go out of production by 2020. Increasing population is therefore not the only factor we have to consider when looking at future food production. Viable agricultural lands are diminishing, so there is less and less productive soil per person. Continuing to intensify production on already degraded lands is not a sustainable solution. Overgrazing is blamed for 35 per cent of soil degradation, deforestation for 30 per cent and agriculture for 27 per cent. These main causes are directly or indirectly related to the consumption of animal products. It is a vicious cycle in which declining soil fertility pushes people to find new land to expand the agricultural base. This often leads to deforestation, which in turn causes soil degradation. This process is the epitome of unsustainable agricultural practice.
Award Winning Science Writer Colin Tudge said “ If present trends of meat eating continue, then by 2050 the worlds livestock will be consuming as much as 4 billion people do …” so switching to a vegan diet can help to prevent further deterioration of precious fertile lands.
We need forests. They store large amounts of carbon dioxide, release oxygen, regulate climate, prevent floods, protect soils and harbour millions of varieties of plant and animal species. They are also home to thousands of indigenous people whose livelihoods and ways of life are rapidly being destroyed.
Forests are being destroyed not only to provide wood, paper and fuel but also to provide land for grazing cattle and for growing crops to feed to farmed animals. WRI assessment suggests that 20-30 per cent of the world’s forest areas have already been converted to agriculture. As agricultural lands become more and more degraded, most of the land for replacement and expansion comes from the world’s forests. The expansion of agricultural land accounts for more than 60 per cent of worldwide deforestation. Most of this land is used to graze beef cattle. Two World Bank specialists in agriculture concluded: “Livestock- induced ranching in rainforests has led to significant loss in plant and animal bio-diversity, especially in Central America 320,000-430,000 hamburgers per year and South America about 1.1 million hamburgers per year.” This process has become known as the ‘hamburgerisation’ of the forests.
No one knows just how many species there are on Earth. Estimates range from 2 million to 100 million but most experts opt for a best estimate of about 10 million. Of these only 1.4 million have been named and only a small percentage of these have been studied in any detail.
The World Conservation Union(IUCN) Red List of threatened species shows that 18 per cent of all the vertebrates they assessed in 2002 were threatened with extinction. This included 24 per cent of mammals and 30 per cent of fish. 49 per cent of plants assessed in 2002 were threatened with extinction. It has been estimated that at the current rate of species loss is between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than it would be naturally. Statistics such as these have led many envirionmental scientists to believe that we are in the process of a mass extinction. The loss of genetic diversity will have serious consequences for food production and envirionmental sustainability. Habitat destruction is the single greatest factor in species being lost forever. Deforestation, land degradation and intensive arable farming all represent the destruction of ecosystems, resulting in massive loss of biodiversity.
A report commissioned by the FAO, USAID, and the World Bank concluded that industrial livestock production contributes to species loss through ‘its demand for concentrated feed, which change land use and intensifies cropping. The production of feed grains, in particular, adds additional stress on biodiversity through habitat loss and it damages in ecosystem functioning.’ Tropical rainforests, although covering only 10 per cent of the world’s surface, are thought to contain 90 per cent of all species-many of which have never been studied.
The wholesale destruction of forest environments to provide grazing land for cattle and to grow feed for livestock directly contributes to loss of biodiversity. Other factors affecting species depletion include pollution, climate change and invasion by introduced species. All these factors relate directly to livestock production. The United Nations Water Assessment Programme states: “At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Earth, with its diverse and abundant life forms, including over six billion humans, is facing a serious water crisis.” This situation is predicted to worsen as our population expands and consumption per capita increase with more and more people adopting resource-intensive Western meat-eating habits. Although statistics vary, all agree that it takes over five times the amount of water to feed a meat eater compared with that used to feed a vegan. This is largely because cropland has to be irrigated to make it agriculturally viable and to increase and improve crop yields. As has been shown, much of this land is entirely wasted by growing feed crops for livestock rather than food for direct consumption by people. The water used on this land- as well as that consumed directly by livestock- represents yet another wasted resource. Since a large percentage of the crops fed to European farmed animals are grown in developing countries, this wasted water comes not only from European reserves but also from the very countries where drinking water is most scarce. Agriculture is also the number one water polluter. Slurry from cattle and other livestock pollutes groundwater, streams and rivers. The global figure for waste from industrial livestock systems is in the region of 8 billion tones per year. Manure and slurry contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. These elements can leach into groundwater and run off to pollute lakes, killing the fish and endangering the health of other animals. Ammonia is also given off and can cause acid rain. Additionally, demand for animal feed is one of the major reasons behind the intensification of crop production. It is estimated that over 4.5 billion litres of pesticide are now used in the UK. The harmful envirionmental effect of pesticides is now well documented. They can affect wildlife populations- from beetles to songbirds- and many are also deemed detrimental to human health. By switching to a vegan diet you will help improve water quality and you will also significantly reduce the world’s water requirements.

The single greatest threat to marine ecology is over fishing. Catch sizes now regularly exceed sustainable levels, a trend that could have devastating consequences for the health of our oceans. Yet worldwide demand is increasing.
The problems caused by fishing fleets are not limited to the fish species they target. The marine envirionment is little understood and the effect on the ecosystem of the removal of thousands of fish every day is difficult to estimate. However, some consequences of large-scale commercial fishing (particularly those using driftnets, purse seine nets and trawl nets) are obvious.

With wild fish populations crashing because of over fishing, attention has turned to fish farming to try and pick up the shortfall. Aquaculture is now the world’s most rapidly expanding area of animal production. This has led to enormous problems. Farmed fish are fed on meal made from wild fish. More than three tones of wild caught fish are needed to produce one tonne of farmed salmon. For newly farmed marine species such as halibut and cod, the ratio of wild fish used is feed to farmed fish produce is about 5:1. Far from helping to prevent wild fish stocks from plummeting further fish farming actually increases over fishing.
Fish are given chemical treatments in their feed or bathed in organophosphates or synthetic pyrethroids to try to limit infestations by parasitic sea lice. Many of the chemicals used are listed as dangerous under the EC Dangerous Substances Directive, yet they are being released into our oceans and used to treat fish that will be eaten by humans.

Additionally, fish waste and the chemicals used to treat disease and infestations are all envirionmental pollutants. By stopping eating fish-be it farmed or wild-caught- we can reverse the destruction of ocean envirionments.
When carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are released into the air they blanket the Earth, trapping heat inside the atmosphere.. This is known as the greenhouse effect and it keeps our planet at a temperature at which life can thrive. The problem is the massive increase in the output of these and other greenhouse gases since industrialization has caused the effect to intensify.
Meat eating is responsible for at least a third of all biological methane emissions.
Methane is produced by bacteria in the stomachs of sheep, cattle and goats and is released through the animal’s bodily functions. Molecule for molecule, methane is 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. The WorldWatch Institute recently reported “American feed for livestock takes so much energy to grow that it might as well be a petroleum byproduct.”
Factory Farming uses massive inputs of fossil fuels. The vast majority of this energy is used in producing, transporting and processing feed. A vegan diet uses substantially less energy than a diet based on animal products and therefore contributes much less to air pollution, acidification, oil spills, habitat destruction and global warming. A University of Chicago study comparing a typical US meat based diet with a vegan diet found that the typical US diet generates the equivalent of nearly 1.5 tonnes more carbon dioxide per person per year than a vegan diet. The authors of the study concluded that it would be more envirionmentally effective to go vegan than to switch to a petrol electric hybrid car.

It is widely agreed that agriculture is one of the most envirionmentally damaging activities that man undertakes. As consumers, we can make a difference by choosing food that is produced in an envirionmentally sustainable way. As has been shown, livestock consume more protein and calories than they produce. Also, farmed fish require 2 kilos of feed to produce 1 kilo of food. ‘Poultry meat’ requires 3 kilos of feed to produce the same amount of food. ‘Pork’ requires 5 kilos and ‘Beef’ requires 10 kilos- The source of this being the non partisan Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. The land used would be better deployed to grow 1 kilo of food for consumption. The amount of water required to ‘yield such crops’ is also clearly better for the planet when it is non animal.. Whereas Potatoes require 500 litres,Wheat 900 litres, Maize 1400 litres, Rice 1900 litres and Soya beans 2000 litres. Chicken requires 3500, Beef needs 100,000!

We should all be aware that of the impact that our lifestyles have on the world around us: Switching to a vegan diet will significantly limit your individual impact on our increasingly threatened envirionment. Discover for yourself what difference a vegan diet can make by visiting
This site will help you to calculate your ecological footprint. First put in omnivore, then change it to vegan and see the difference this makes!
Environmentally conscious consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of buying locally produced food to cut down on ‘food miles’-the distance travelled by lorry, ship, or aero plane by our food before it reaches our plates.
When considering food miles, many people think only of the miles travelled by the ‘end product’. They think that British chicken, pork or beef is an envirionmentally friendly option because the animals have not arrived from overseas. However, British animals increasingly eat feeds such as soya, manioc and tapioca that have been imported from abroad; consequently the envirionmental footprint left by eating British meat can be just as high as eating imported animal products. Vegan foods are better for the envirionment because eating vegetable protein and carbohydrates directly rather than through the intermediary of an animal, uses less land. Eating locally grown vegetables is better still.
Saving the planet is one reason to go vegan. Saving the lives of thousands of animals you would have eaten is another. Improving your health and increasing your lifespan is a third. You will also help to stop the spread of animal diseases such as BSE and Bird Flu to human beings. Your diet will not contribute to an increase in anti-biotic resistant superbugs such as MRSA.
Joining the Vegan society helps to continue to promote ways of living that are free from animal products- for the benefit of people, animals and the envirionment. As a member you receive an excellent highly informable quarterly magazine the more members the society has the more projects can be financed to continue to take the message into schools, hospital caterers, product manufacturers, healthcare professionals, the media and the public at large.
You don’t have to be a vegan to join the society- you just have to be willing to make a difference.
Some commonly held misbeliefs or theories that just don’t add up.
Ever heard of natural selection?
Yes. It is where the living organism that is best fitted to its environment will survive in the struggle for life and pass down its genes to its offspring (whilst others perish); thus continuing those successful characteristics. It is not a moral guideline or a framework. If it were, we would not give glasses to the short sighted, medicine to the ill, or protection to the weak.
People are starving in the world; isn’t it more important to help humans rather than animals?
Firstly, humans are animals and it is possible to help both human and non-human animals. Furthermore, a vegan diet requires a lot less land and water to support it than a non vegan one and therefore veganism is one of the main solutions to the problem of feeding a growing world population with the limited resources the Earth has to offer.
What would happen to all of the farmed animals if everyone became Vegan?
We only have a high number of farmed animals because we artificially breed them. The world wouldn’t become vegan overnight- the meat, dairy, and egg industries would gradually decline. This would enable farmers to reduce the number of animals they breed as demand falls. All animals should be left to live lives in a natural envirionment where they can live out their natural life.
I like to see farmed animals in the countryside
In a vegan world there would be more habitats for wildlife. Wouldn’t you prefer to look at healthy wildlife that includes what you class as ‘farmed’ animals that have been naturally raised as opposed to selectively bred farmed animals? In a vegan world, birds and other wildlife would increase in numbers as their woodland and parkland habitat returned.
What would happen to livestock farmers and the fishing industry if everyone became vegan?
The economy is constantly changing and we are always finding new ways to adapt.
Typewriter manufacturers lost their jobs when the personal computer became popular- but look at how many jobs the computer industry has now created. As more people become vegan, there will be an abundance of jobs for farmers: growing fruit, vegetables, and grains or as when any industry reaches an end the people in it can be re-trained for another profession
The animal was dead before I started eating it.
By eating it you created the demand for its death. If no-one ate meat, no animals would be killed and sold for their meat. We have a moral choice and to try to negate responsibility is no defense.
Eating meat is natural.
Human beings are omnivores and don’t need to kill other beings in order to live naturally. Vegans and vegetarians do live longer than those who eat meat. Eating meat is no more natural than not eating meat. Would you eat your dog or your cat or a fellow human being if you had the choice of other natural food choices?
Why do you think animals have rights?
If a being can feel pain and experience suffering, they should not be deliberately made to suffer. A bird has a higher level of consciousness than a new born human baby. If we want to give rights to human babies and want to be consistent, we must extend rights to all sentient beings. To not do so is speciesm. In the past there were those who said the Negro was less worthy of rights than the white man and those that said women were less worthy of rights than men. Society rightly frowns upon and legislates against those who are either racist or sexist. To progress as a society we must also act against all speciest actions and practices.

Click here for some tasty, healthy vegan food recommendations.


David Ryde was Britain's lowest prescribing doctor who cured his patients in a novel way. His name should been a household word but officialdom ignored him.

If it's a prescription you want then Dr.David Ryde is probably not your man. This vegan GP built a career out of saying no bottles of ‘jollop'.

There were some 35,000 general practitioners in Britain when Dr.David Ryde MB, BS, FRCGP, was practicing and none wrote out fewer prescriptions than him. The UK's lowest prescribing doctor had discovered that diet was the answer to many health problems, not pills and potions. There was clearly something in it because he had some of the best health outcomes in the UK.

He first became a vegetarian as a 12 year old - a rarity then - and confounded all the cautions by becoming captain of athletics, swimming and rugby at school. When he became a doctor he went back to meat eating as other doctors insisted that meat provides first class protein and plants provide second class and you need the best! Eventually, David's concern for animals won through and in the 1970's he gave up meat- quietly, without fuss and without telling his patients. Soon after he went vegan.

His belief that animal products were linked to ill health was instinctive but when a growing amount of scientific literature began to appear, he was convinced. A simple observation gave him the courage to begin prescribing changes in diet instead of potions and it wasn't too long before he started to speak out and give lectures on diet and health.

David Ryde was successfully treating angina and other heart conditions, high cholesterol levels, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and even rheumatoid arthritis by getting people to switch to a vegan diet. His practice was in one of the poorest parts of London's East End and he saw more than his share of all these conditions.

He retired from full time work in 1993 but continued as a locum. One patient he saw had had three heart attacks and a quadruple by-pass, leading to his retirement at the age of 48. He was almost entirely wheelchair bound.

David's suggestion of a change in diet was received with skepticism but the man did it and limited salt to two grams per day. Six months later David heard that he had given up all medication and no longer used his wheelchair. The man's regular doctor was disinterested in the reasons. “ When I explained that it was a vegan diet which was responsible I could almost hear him thinking- ‘another lunatic…'.” Says David.

He treated an overweight Rabbi who had a serious heart condition but then lost touch with him. A year or more later, he read a report in The Vegan headlined ‘How David Ryde Changed My Life.' The Rabbi had subsequently walked from John O'Groats, run a marathon, cycled around Britain and had taken up backpacking as a hobby!

Doctors can be extraordinarily resistant to new ideas, even when they're backed with science. When David's own receptionist had severe headaches, he felt it was better she consulted another doctor. The diagnosis was high blood pressure and medication for life so David encouraged her to adopt a vegan regime. She did and her blood pressure almost halved. When she returned to the doctor who had prescribed medication, he was naturally delighted with her improvement- until he was told the reason. He accused her of following a stupid diet and insisted she take the pills or get out. She didn't and did.

“Compared to meat eaters, long term vegans live on average six years longer and spend about one fifth of the time in hospital over the age of 60”, insists David Ryde. “The truth is that most people eat two to three times more fat and protein than they need and we're just beginning to discover that animal protein may be as damaging to health as fat and cholesterol. The medical establishment just doesn't want to know. They automatically resist any new advances.”

“ I believe that in 1991, the American Diet Association produced a report virtually urging people to go vegetarian and sent the US Government into shock. So much of agriculture is dependent upon livestock that such a change would wreck the US economy, they said. The report never appeared.”

David Ryde himself has experienced the lethargy of officialdom. The DHSS – as it was then - invited him to London to discuss his low prescribing and excellent outcomes. He hoped this would be the start of a revolution in primary health care and explained his simplicity of approach, asking what they intended to do. “Absolutely nothing”, was the answer. Such an approach would simply be unacceptable to GPs they said.

You couldn't get a better example of veganism than Dr.David Ryde. A keen sportsman, he was doctor to all the World Jewish Games, an honary member of the British Association of Sport Medicine, a county athlete and rugby player and served on the medical sub committee of the British Olympic Association for 15 years. He is now 77, extremely active and still looks as though he could take his place in scrum.


by Matt Prescott When I was growing up, my mother often told me about her relatives in Poland who were murdered by Nazis. The Holocaust was not a distant historical event to me. The pain of the Jews and others who were locked in concentration camps, tortured and killed was visible on my mother's face, and as a Jew, I felt a special obligation to try and understand what kind of mindset enabled some people to treat others as though they had no worth. Like so many relatives of Holocaust victims and survivors, I want to make sure it never happens again.

I knew I had to refuse to see others as different or inferior, because that is how the Nazis saw the people they rounded up and imprisoned. I would not distance myself from anybody who was capable of feeling pain, I decided. But soon I realised that ‘anybody' was really ‘any being'. Animals, like people, are made of flesh and blood. They feel pain when someone harms them and try to escape when they are caged. They have families, complex social orders and distinct personalities. Once I realised this, I knew that I could not play a role in their oppression by eating their flesh.

I was not alone in coming to this conclusion; in fact, many who survived the Holocaust or had family members who were killed had also made this very comparison that I was just beginning to see. They, too, realized that the same mindset that made the Holocaust possible- that we can disrespect and abuse those we decide are ‘different' or ‘inferior'- is what allows us to commit atrocities against animals every day. The Nobel prize-winning Yiddish author Isaac Bashevis Singer, who fled from Europe in 1935 during the rise of anti-Semitism, once wrote, “ In relation to animals, all people are Nazis.” He was a vegetarian and understood that victimisation always had common roots and that the murder of Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals during the Holocaust directly parallels the way we confine, abuse and slaughter animals today. Singer's writings, along with the words of other Holocaust survivors and Jews, which you can see at, inspired PETA's(People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) ‘Holocaust on Your Plate' traveling exhibit, with its eight 60 square –foot panels of factory farm and slaughterhouse scenes side by side with photos from Nazi death camps. The display was funded by a Jewish philanthropist who has spent the past 25 years affiliated with a leading Holocaust organisation.

The display is controversial, and as I have taken it from city to city, people have responded with gasps, tears and sometimes indignation. But I hope that they will be reminded that the Holocaust was allowed to happen because millions of people turned their backs on cruelty by closing their eyes to the horrors happening behind the tightly shut doors of concentration camps.When they see the exhibit, they get a glimpse of what goes on every day behind the closed doors of factory farms and slaughterhouses. How can you look inside a broiler chicken shed with its 30,000 prisoners forced to sit in their own waste or watch a lorryload of cattle prodded into the slaughterhouse with electric shocks, the terror showing in their eyes, and not see the similarity to the Holocaust?

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum reminds us, ‘ The Holocaust provides a context for exploring the dangers of remaining silent, apathetic and indifferent in the face of others' oppression.' Please, help us end animals' holocaust.

“Use of the term ‘holocaust' to describe today's mistreatment of countless billions of animals should not trouble anyone – the torture and killing and breeding to kill should.'

David Cantor, (half of whose family perished in the Holocaust

MAKE HISTORY'S LESSONS COUNT!- Embrace a vegan diet that respects other forms of life.

Visit or for a free vegetarian starter kit, call 0800 328 9621.

Read more about ‘Holocaust on Your Plate' at


Pharmaceutical companies hype themselves up as saviours of humankind – their latest prescription is GM foods.

You just knew it didn't you? The committee charged with deciding whether genetically modified plants should be grown in Britain has given the go ahead to GM maize. Monsanto's placemen have delivered the goods!

Cheering the fact that two other crops were rejected is merely clutching at straws- the committee did what it intended to do and established a principle. The Government has speedily accepted the recommendation so all future debates on GM will exclude any moral dimension, forcing us to concentrate on technical arguments- how many lacewings can you stand on the head of a pin type of thing.

Checking how far pollen travels or how many insects survive the short trial period is like checking the safety of arsenic by reading the bottle label for typographical errors. It is impossible to test any GM plant for the multitude of accidental happenings and the mixing of genes that can take place in the environment or the long-term effects they might have on human health.

The food allergies that afflict so many people are all confined to about ten foodstuffs- dairy, oranges, coffee, chocolate and so on. The reason, according to author Dr.Neal Barnard, is that none of these foods formed part of our evolutionary diet in Africa. Tens of thousands of years and some of us still can't cope with a bar of choccy crisp! Imagine how we might react to genes or viruses- used as markers in the GM production process- that are entirely new to us.

But see, they've got me at it, trying to argue on issues I can't prove. There are much more fundamental questions to be asked such as why are GM crops required in the first place and what is the track record of those who control them?

Pharmaceutical companies, the most powerful multinational corporations on Earth, are the pioneers of GM technology. Most are US based, with some in Western Europe and Japan. They have an unhealthy closeness to politicians and spawned the organs of world control, such as the World Trade Organisation, World bank and International Monetary Fund, which they manipulate like puppets. The 10 biggest pharmaceutical corporations turn over $380 billion dollars annually so we are talking mind-boggling power.

The image they promote is that of humankind's saviours, developing new drugs and treatments to cure all known ills. In fact they cure almost nothing, merely alleviate the symptoms and frequently produce damaging side effects into the bargain. In fact, prescription drugs are now the fourth biggest cause of death in the US.

For non-lethal ailments such as indigestion, piles and headaches there is ca bewildering choice of potions but one company's products usually contain much the same ingredients as another's.Then there are the big killers-affluent, degenerative diseases such as heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and some cancers.This is where the big profits are made. The day a pharmaceutical company admits that these ailments are mostly a product of lifestyle and can only be prevented through environmental clean up and diet, is the day the world will end.

Witness the Bush regime's recent pronouncement on obesity. It has challenged the World Health Organisation's report which says the answer is to eat more fruit and vegetables and less animal fat and for all governments to promote healthy foods. This is faulty science, according to Bush, as he tries to protect food industry profits at the expense of our health.

It is all part of the greed, which has driven health care in entirely the wrong direction. Only two percent of health expenditure goes on prevention and the UK health service has been lumbered with a massive 8 billion pounds tab for pills and potions as a result. Every pharmaceutical company has teams of salespeople on the road like double-glazing sellers, they have one aim only – to increase sales figures irrespective of the actual human need.

So their mission statement that they want to prevent human suffering is hogwash. They have a vested interest in maintaining high levels of disease and global inequality.

Medical intervention is most urgently needed in the developing world yet there is little or no research into treatments for these diseases of poverty because pharmaceutical companies know that those affected can't afford to buy the drugs they develop. Even when treatments are available, as in the case of AIDS and HIV, the industry fights tooth and nail to keep the prices high and has no interest in helping those in greatest need.

Currently, 42 million people are infected with HIV- 100 million by the end of the decade and only five percent are receiving treatment. It is the biggest health problem in the world and a moral outrage. South Africa has seen life expectancy slump from around 65 to 42 and doesn't even know how to begin coping with the resulting millions of AIDS orphans.

The cost of HIV treatment in the West is about $10-15,000 per patient per year. Supplying generic drugs can reduce that cost to just $150, saving millions more from misery and dramatically reducing the number of infected babies (genetic drugs contain the same active ingredients as the branded varieties). Despite a glaring human need, the pharmaceutical industry issued a lawsuit against the South African government to stop it buying generics but such was the world's revulsion that it was forced to drop the case. The way was clear; it seemed, for affordable treatments at last.

What a joke!

Enter President Bush again and his January 2003 State of the Union address. The US will provide $15 billion to fight AIDS and HIV, he said. Now, a year later, barely a single dollar has been provided and only $1 billion has been earmarked for the internationally- backed Global Aids Fund. This is the only money that can be used for buying the much-needed generic drugs. So what will happen to the rest?

A new drugs tsar is to be appointed from-you've guessed it, the pharmaceutical industry- who will ensure that most of the remaining $14 billion is used only to buy expensive, branded drugs from US companies, leaving millions of people without hope who could have been treated with generics.

Many impoverished countries were banking on manufacturing their own generic drugs now that the 20-year patents on HIV treatments are beginning to expire. This lifeline was also snatched away. As part of trade negotiations, new barriers have been erected which effectively extend patents by a further five years. It is tantamount to genocide but there is still more to this shameful story.

High import tariffs discriminate against the poorest countries- the ones that big business tell us they care so much about- preventing them from developing their own industries and forcing them them to remain as suppliers of incredibly cheap cash crops such as animal fodder. Thirty six of the poorest African countries- at the bottom of the economic heap with more than half the population living in absolute poverty- have been forced to privatize their state services, slash health and education spending and shift scarce resources into growing yet more cash crops. Even this doesn't excuse Africa from its $15 billion annual foreign debt interest payments- a figure which dwarfs any supposedly benevolent gestures from Bush, Blair or their multinational backers.

Privatisation includes Western multinationals taking control of water provision and hiking up the price to a point where, in Mali for example, the cost can account for as much as 70 per cent of a farmers income. The result has been entirely predictable- once marginal but productive land turning to desert because no one can afford to irrigate it and the subsequent increase in poverty and desperation.

Pharmaceutical companies, of course, also provide drugs for farmed animals and the vast array of pesticides and fertilizers used for fodder crops and this accounts for perhaps 40 per cent of their turnover. And this is where GM comes in.

In all these ways, the big boys mould the world into a form which suits their need for continued growth and profitability. And it is a rampant, heartless, grasping, unconscionable self- interest which is, quite literally, destroying the world, its people, its animals and environment.

If a country tries to pass legislation to outlaw aspects of trade it believes are damaging, the WTO will intervene and instigate devastating trade sanctions against it. No trade can be banned because it is bad for animal welfare- moral concepts simply don't exist in this brave new world. Every single environmental policy introduced by concerned governments has been rejected by the WTO if it in any way limits trade. It is a similar story of obstruction with health and food safety laws.

So, when the Monsanto's of this world claim the right to introduce GM crops because it will enable them to feed the starving, it should produce utter derision.

Even when food shipments are supplied in response to famine, you can see a sub-agenda at work. Some African countries have rejected US shipments of GM crops but now, if they want to get even a smell of Bush's $15 billion AIDS package, it seems they will have to agree to embrace GM foods. Why, you might ask, are the multinationals so determined to steamroller opposition to GM technology and why do they have such powerful backers? A clue to the answer lies in the January edition of Poultry World.

Some of the best minds in the business have been taken unawares,' it claims (they should read Viva! LIFE). ‘The cost of wheat has effectively doubled and Soya has rocketed by 40 pounds a tonne. The lack of EU wheat supplies is exacerbating an already tight world wheat supply and the arrival of China as a potential large buyer of grain has done the rest.'

What they are talking about is animal feed. The future profitability of the pharmaceutical corporations is dependent upon how far and how fast they can encourage the spread of factory farming across the globe. These stinking centers of animal abuse are fundamental to their future growth. The major hindrance to their plans is the lack of feed, its rocketing price and the uncertainty of water supplies. To consolidate their plans, the GM barons need to control all these elements.

Seeds from GM plants are largely sterile and ‘brown bagging'- saving seeds from one year for the next- is therefore eliminated and arable farmers become utterly dependent once they fall for the promise of increased crop yields. They are also obliged to use the company's pesticides. Factory farming is impossible without a battery of drugs and so livestock farmers also become dependent once they take the intensive route. And with livestock's extraordinary consumption of water for drinking, processing and growing fodder, the control of water supplies is central to this plan.

What we are witnessing is the spread of global fascism but in a form that is entirely new. It has the support of national governments, who would sooner be part of it than offer opposition and be crushed. As a consequence, it has rendered domestic politics almost entirely redundant and has homogenized political philosophy until there is only one version available- the one that is approved by the multinationals.

All the the problems of greed, cruelty, environmental degradation and human suffering which presently beset us will get worse as the GM giants continue to plunder the globe. It might sound immodest, but Viva! Is doing more than most governments to sound the alarm and our supporters are fighting back through their diet.

Interestingly, a group headed by a scientist and physician, Dr. Matthias Rath
( has filed a lawsuit against Bush and Blair and the pharmaceutical industry at the International Criminal Court. I have never heard of them but they are alleging genocide by perpetuating ill health for profit and for launching wars which enable them to pass draconian legislation in order to control their own populations. Who am I to argue?

Tony Wardle,Viva!LIFE


The simple truth is that the results of animal experiments can-at best- only be applied to animals of the same species. The differences in biology, anatomy, physiology, body chemistry and so on makes comparing one species with another impossible.

One of the biggest pre-conceptions concerning animal research is that human illnesses can be studied in another species. In reality, diseases vary from species to species. For example, yellow fever and smallpox viruses affect only one species – humans. When experimenters claim they are studying cancer in rodents, it's worth knowing that while humans get carcinomas (tumors in lining membranes, like the lungs), rats and mice get sarcomas, which grow in the bone and connective tissue. Different diseases. Other illnesses like muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis are specific human conditions and don't exist anywhere amongst animals.

Sometimes experimenters try to recreate some of the symptoms, and they may be able to get cases where it looks similar, but that's hardly science. For example, when attempts are made to give rats heart disease, their bodies prevent it happening in the same way as it would appear in humans. The liver enzyme which changes the chemical structure of fats is more active in rats. The rat eliminates cholesterol very efficiently, and plaque in the arteries is not a problem. It's the same problem, different details with other illnesses in other species. Always there's differences between species.

Out of all illnesses known to humanity, less than 2% of them are ever seen in any non-human animal. It's a problem they still haven't overcome.

The next stumbling block for the animal experimenter is that all animals react in different ways to drugs. So even if you could give a mouse cystic fibrosis (which you can't), what value is there in testing a drug on the mouse?

The degree to which different species vary in their response to drugs and other chemicals is enormous and constantly understated by vivisectionists. Comparing rats and mice showed that the results from one species were correct for the other in 46% of cases, so even if these two relatively similar species, the results were similar to (or slightly worse than) what you'd expect from flipping a coin, it makes a mockery of comparing either to humans. Rats are 37% effective in identifying known human carcinogens- so wrong more often that they're right.

The reactions differ so much from species to species that deadly poisons like botulin, strychnine, arsenic, the deathcap toadstool, hemlock and antimony are all ‘provable' as safe when testing on animals. While these may sound like extreme examples, other less obviously dangerous products and drugs have passed animal tests and gone into use, with human carnage the result. Products like asbestos, glass fibers, industrial arsenic, benzene and even tobacco smoke were believed harmless despite human evidence, because they all were safe in animals. Similarly disaster drugs like Thalidomide, Eraldin, Manoplax, Zyban, Baycol and hundreds of others which have killed, blinded , maimed and injured humans have been passed as ‘safe' on animals.

The scientific director of HLS(Huntingdon Life Sciences), one of the biggest drug and product testing labs in the world has estimated that the accuracy of using animals to predict the human effect is ‘'between 5% and 25%''. So to be generous to him, in three times out of four we get a false result which is then used to decide whether the product is used in humans.

As a result of this reliance on vivisection the human cost is massive.

BIRTH DEFECTS: They occurred in about 3 in 100,000 live births in the late 1940's, by the end of the century there were over 800 per 100,000. The most in-depth study to date, by German doctors concluded 61% of birth defects and 88% of stillbirths were definitely, directly caused by drugs approved by animal experimentation. Animal testing is incapable of predicting this catastrophe. Our closest relatives, the monkeys were given drugs known to harm unborn human babies, when pregnant. 70% of the drugs were indicated safe. Thalidomide's effects were never convincingly reproduced in lab animals and would still be passed safe today.

DEATHS & SERIOUS INJURIES: In 1998 a American medical journal concluded that 106,000 deaths PER YEAR in the United States alone were caused by medical drugs passed safe on animals. A UK medical journal estimated 70,000 people in England each year are killed or seriously disabled by medical drugs, yet all of these pass animal tests. The scale is undeniably massive.

DELAYS: Blood transfusions, corneal transplants, gynecological surgical techniques, the polo vaccine, arterial suturing, cancer drugs, understanding of the circulatory system- the list of medical discoveries delayed by the misleading data from animals goes on and on. This alone has cost and continues to cost countless human lives and cause untold human suffering.

Vivisection continues for two main reasons.

One is the drug industry. It allows drugs to be approved quickly, and because animals give a variety of results, it virtually guarantees entry on to the market where it is earning money. It also provides an obstacle to legal action when drugs go wrong, because with animal tests performed, negligence becomes hard to prove in the biased court system.

The other is that it's easy to publish. “A rat is an animal which when injected produces a paper” as the saying goes. Which means easy work in this ‘publish or perish ‘ scientific world. Clinical research (including Stem cell technology) is infinitely more valuable, but requires ingenuity, planning, people skills and time

The bottom line is that profits come before people and money is the motivating force behind those involved in the barbaric practice of vivisection.

Opposition to vivisection on medical grounds is growing and is in direct proportion to awareness of the facts. The more people know about vivisection, the less they like it.

It's a massive subject, but believe me you don't need to be a professor to understand it.

Visit the following sites:- very interesting and informative.



“Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.” Thomas J Watson (1874-1956)

The quote above illustrates what the leaders of our countries are failing to do. The quote aids one to pose the question as to why our leaders are not doing more to ensure that there are legal consequences resulting from the actions of evil governments? Our leaders feed the forces which traumatise the days of innocent civilians, causing serious casualties as a result of their evil influences. One follows the others actions, comforting those who cause terror to humanity. They do not represent us and we cannot represent them. We are presented with lies, a distortion of reality, smoke and mirrors. We are made to learn the truth, seek the truth, hunt for the truth by ourselves or forever be in the dark.

Our first perpetrator is awfully young, yet disturbingly influential. To some she is its most passionate defender, to the majority, its most notorious traitor. Her stance on authority and power is like that of a stroppy teenager, playing the same old games, throwing the same old toys out of the pram and claiming the same old thing. Her beauty captured, yet admired across the world. To the untrained eye her rare exuberant beauty shines and epitomises culture, religion and peace. When she acts, a minority of the world’s leaders’ question, rather she is praised by others and when asked to take centre stage she praises herself for her morality, democratic behaviour and sanctity. Her figure bodes well in her coat lined heavily with riches, red, white and blue.

She, of course is the state of Israel, controlled, dictated, embodied by the Zionist movement who was given the state of Palestine by the British government in 1918. And formally established the state of Israel in 1948. It really is the coldest story ever told, commencing with the manner in which a country was chosen to secure a home land for the Jewish people. Options ranged from Uganda to Argentina and in 1897 settled on Palestine, then part of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire. The most deceptive and enduring slogan of Zionism was coined by Israel Zangwill who claimed that Palestine was a “land without people for a people without land.Thus stating that Palestine was a land which was practically empty, an image far from its true reality.

The Balfour declaration in 1917 eagerly claimed that, “…nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and righteous rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…” However, 61 years since the UN divided the state of Palestine, Israel, has forgotten the words spoken by its garrison to the land which she so proudly calls home; words willingly discarded, words which had the sole purpose of being discarded, in order for her to live happily ever after. One must elucidate the fact that Zionism is a colonization adventure and can only be carried out against the wishes of the native population. Therefore, this colonization can then only continue and progress under the protection of a power which is independent of the native population. In order for Zionism to achieve its aim it must stand by the use of armed force; and unsurprisingly the Balfour declaration will not and cannot be upheld. From the outset, Israel has been on its blood thirsty quest for a sole Jewish state, at the expense of the indigenous Palestinian people.

In 1917, 95% of the state was Palestinian (Muslim, Christian and Jewish.) In 1948, the UN assigned 55% of Palestine to the proposed state of Israel. At this time Jews constituted only 1/3 of the population and owned a small but significant 6% of the land, by 2006 the geographical area owned by Israel increased to 87% and the remainder 13%, although it is claimed to be Palestinian land, it is controlled by Israel. This was and is still being achieved by the use of barbaric activities by Israeli authorities.

The Nakba (“Catastrophe”) of 1948-49 constituted Israel murdering 13,000 Palestinians and driving 750,000 from their towns and villages to take refuge in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, West Bank and Gaza. The right of the Palestinians to commemorate the Nakba is denied by the Israelis. But how can they deny such a catastrophe? The Nakba was founded on massacres, exodus and is still based on occupation. The land now called Israel has been obtained from more than 531 (now destroyed) Palestinian villages:

“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the name of these Arab villages and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman.”

Israel is in violation of over 60 UN resolutions, which call for the return of refugees, withdrawal of the settlers, dismantling of the wall and a lifting of the siege on Gaza. Israel renamed almost every village and town to cover up all traces of the Palestinian heritage. More recently, the centres of population in the West Bank and Gaza have been isolated into ghetto-like enclaves, surrounded by the Israeli army and illegal settlements. Many methods are being used to drive Palestinians out of their homes in East Jerusalem, which Israel has annexed, in clear contravention of International law.

There is a denial of massacres ranging from Sabra and Shatilla, Jenin, and most recently Gaza. The harrowing accounts of attacks, oppression, permanent occupation, discrimination, torture, death, control, crippling sieges and wrongful imprisonment gives one a brief image of the manner by which innocent Palestinians (including Arabs with Israeli nationality), are being chased out of their land. This is the disastrous impact of Zionist ideologies. And it surely does not end here; Ben Guiron stated that the Jewish youth and adults should strive to fulfill a map of Israel reaching the Nile to the Euphrates. A scary thought but one which could easily become a reality for Israel. This is the thinking behind the Zionist movement and is elucidated perfectly by the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the June 1967 war. This, alongside more recent illegal settlements, has very little to do with security and everything to do with territorial expansionism.

She, however, quickly points out to the world that anti-Semitism has returned and that she is being delegitimised. In considering the legitimacy of this claim, one must point out that, she, Israel, claims that this poisonous weed of anti-Semitism is growing in practically every patch of criticism against Israel! There are those who are taught that there is an enemy who wants to take their country and kill them. To prevent this pretty bubble from bursting, they are never taught about Sabra and Shattila, nor are they taught about Ariel Sharon’s war crimes or that in Israel 2009, there are roads that Palestinians aren’t allowed on, or that Palestinian territories are filled with checkpoints, surrounded by walls and every few metres there is a watch tower with Israeli soldiers.

Conversely, there are many Jews in Israel and across the world who totally disagree with the actions of the Israeli authorities. Understanding that this is not a conflict of religion is vital, it is crucial to realise that it is a murder, a lack of recognition by the zionist regime and their denial to a nation; to humanity. Yet the Zionists clearly state that they rely on the Bible and the Torah, for their imaginary right to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people and to subjugate them. This is a pathetic joke.

The facts stated above, have been repeated many a time in depth by numerous academics who illustrate the wrong committed by Israel, morally and legally. The continuous breach of international law by Israel and her silence and lack of co-operation is ignored by the UN who are arguably powerless, but also by powerful third states who all seem to provide Israel with preferential treatment. They stand idle whilst Israel and other countries from Sri Lanka to Burma to Zimbabwe commit massacres on their doorsteps! Why? Why in this case are they participating in such treacherous conspiracies with the Zionists and allowing a story of terrorism, tyranny, oppression and injustice to take place upon a people? We are turning to these people for help, for hope, for recognition of the Palestinian people, when it is these very leaders who supported and assisted the creation of the Zionist State of Israel.

Sajjad Khan argues that, the American dominance in leading the world is unwanted,

“What hasn’t been challenged is Obama’s and Bush’s contention that America needs to play the dominant leadership role in the world. America’s allies may welcome this, but there is no evidence that the people of the world at large are crying out for American leadership.”

Following this quote, I would argue that America et al, including the UK, have decided to lead the world especially in its complacent behaviour towards Israel, they must now use their leadership roles to change the ugly nature of the war on terror, to hold those liable who started an illegal war, to question the legitimacy of Israel’s actions and to uphold a system of law and order for all.The international community imposes sanctions not against the occupier but the occupied, not against the oppressor but the oppressed, not against the criminal i..e the law breaker but against the victim; he who the law is supposed to protect. No man is surely above the law and all who are under it must be held to account equally.

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) of South Africa commissioned a study, assessing Israel’s practices in the occupied Palestinian territories under International law. It concludes and, clearly demonstarates that Israel since 1967, has been the belligerent Occupying power in these Palestinian territories, and that its occupation of these territories is illegal, it has become a colonial enterprise which implements a system of Apartheid. The study correctly argues that, for States the legal consequences of Israel’s breach of the peremptory norms prohibiting colonialism and apartheid are clear:

“When faced with a serious breach of an obligation arising under a peremptory norm, all States have the duty not to recognise this situation as lawful and have the duty not to aid or assist the maintenance of this situation. Further, all States must co-operate to bring this situation to an end. If a State fails to fulfill these duties, axiomatically it commits an international wrongful act. If a State aids or assists another State in maintaing that unlawful situation, knowing it to be unlawful, then it becomes complicit in its commission and itself commits a wrongful act.”

Following this research, it is fair for one to evaluate that, the UK, US and EU are all equally collusive in Israel’s grave breaches of International law. They have taken next to nothing action to uphold the opinion of the International Court of Justice that held the route of the wall and the settlements a complete breach of the Geneva convention. There is a further breach of International law when considers Israel’s practices in the light of Article 2 of the Apartheid Convention and the continuous torture and imprisonment the Palestinians are subject to.

An article in the Independent newspaper titled, ‘UN retreats after Israel hits out at Gaza report’ is a perfect example of the manner in which Israel throws the mantle of victimhood over itself and its people. The report was solely concerned with the death of 40 civilians outside a UN school in Jabaliya and the use of white phosphorous on the UN’s field office compound in January 2009. It did not concern itself with the massacre as a whole, nor the illegality of Israel’s control of the Gaza strip. General Ban Ki Moon then stated in his covering letter that he was carefully considering what actions, if any, to take and instead spoke out against Hamas! Ban Ki Moon then went out of his way to thank Israel for her co-operation and repeats that Israel has “the most moral army in the world” and laid full responsibility for casualties on Hamas.

She continues to play the old game of divide and rule between rival Palestinian parties. She is so moral that she allows her defence forces to use the most technical advanced weaponry in the world with the exception of the US. Its computerised drone planes (which it sells to the UK) send back extremely detailed information about every square foot of the Gaza strip. She has refused to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty- the most widely supported international accord and bedrock of international efforts to contain and remove the nuclear menace. Whereas all other Middle Eastern States, including Iran, are signatories to the NPT, Israel’s lack of cooperation allows it to avoid the inspection and reporting regime that almost all other countries are required to follow. And we are concerned about North Korea and Iran?

The relationship between the EU and Israel has been upgraded, a relationship which already extends privileged trade access in a treaty which has strict conditions on human rights which are not invoked, and so, a relationship which undermines the whole structure of International law. One odd and disturbing aspect of global politics today is the confusion between negotiations and problem-solving. Governments are engaged in a massive negotiation, but they are not engaged in a massive effort at problem-solving. How can the law be upheld without the Justice? How can there be peace in Israel/Palestine, when our governments flaunt the words, extremist, terrorist, fundamentalist, so freely and refuse to negotiate with ‘certain’ people.

Israel will not be losing any sleep over Obama’s speech which was delivered in Cairo. As noted by Siegman in his book, titled, “Gaza: The lies of war,” Middle-East peace-making has been smothered in deceptive euphemisms. There can be no peace without justice for the Palestinians. When Netanyahu lays out Israel’s ideas of a Palestine state, our leaders must question instead of blindly supporting words which are candy coated but which are really simple and elucidate no real change. Our leaders must ensure that, Israeli politcal and military leaders face and answer difficult questions before an International criminal court. Justice for Palestine must become a reality, the answer is simple no justice, no peace!

For how many more years will she, Israel poison the world with her lethal mix of paranoia and the necessity of overwhelming military strength and aid from third states, spurring them on, crying the words “ein briera, there is no alternative,” unhindered, from one atrocity to the next. Better to avoid the poison altogether than to try to heal from the damage it causes.

By globe trotting, roving reporter- Firdous Patel.

iMasalha, N, ‘ Expulsion of the Palestinian: The Concept of "Transfer" in Zionist Political Thought,’(Institute for Palestine Studies: 1992)
ii Dayan, M, Address to the Technion , Haifa, reported in Haaretz, 1969
iii Shlaim, A, “How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe,” in The Independent, 7th January 2009
iv Khan, S, ‘What the West needs now is Ideological Change,’ in Khilafah magazine March 2009
v Democracy and Governance Programme, Middle East Project, at :
vi ibid.
vii Macintyre, D, UN retreats after Israel hits out at Gaza report, in The Independent
viii Siegman, H, “Gaza: The lies of war,” (London: Review of Books) 29th January 2009.
ix Lerman, A, “Netanyahu’s gift to Lieberman,” in the Guardian, 17th June 2009

Boycott these brands that support the Israel occupation.-


Pot Traumatic

by Firdous Patel

When the peace of Christmas was brutally shattered by Israel’s genocidal attack on a mainly unarmed civilian population, thousands of angry activists took to the streets in mass protests around the country. The barbaric assault on Gaza by the Israeli military, resulted in the murder of 1500 Palestinians and injuries to over 6000 innocent civilians.

However, after the continuous campaigning, numerous protests and even after Israel’s all-out assault on Gaza, the imprisoned ones continue to suffer. The bombing, shooting and shelling may eventually stop. The buildings eventually restored brick for brick. The electricity and water running as it always has done. But the psychological trauma inflicted upon the children of Gaza cannot be erased so easily.

Gaza's leading child psychiatrist, Dr Abdel Aziz Mousa Thabet, who has studied the effects of violence and trauma on children for 20 years, said about 65% of young people in the enclave suffer severely from post-traumatic stress disorder.

"There are many other traumatic symptoms, like headaches and abdominal pain and vomiting. There's an inability to concentrate, panic, anxiety, irritability," he said. "I've observed much change in the children. They are more anxious, more fearful. Children are panicky because of the explosions. Children want to leave. You hear it. They feel there is no hope, that the world can't do anything for them and they can't do anything for themselves."

Thabet goes as far as evaluating that it is the impact of this trauma that leads these children to the extremes in years to come. Thabet believes that the traumatising of children was having a profound effect on Gaza's future. The children he studied in the early 1990s are now adults and suffer from Post traumatic stress of at least mild severity.

"They become fighters. I warned about this 15 years ago, that in 15 years these traumatised children will be more aggressive, they will want to fight, there will be more violence in the community. You saw it in the factional fighting in Gaza in 2007," he said.
"So now we will have another generation of more aggressive behaviour. They will go to more extremes because they have no future. This is a problem. I've been warning people of this but nobody was listening. It's a cycle of aggression. Children see their parents killed in front of them. What do you expect?”

Those who have studied the psychological impact inflicted upon Gaza’s children believe that Post Traumatic Stress disorder and other psychological consequences may last a lifetime. Two decades of bloody conflict in the Gaza strip has confronted these children with an atrocity that even the money of all the western world cannot repair.

Up to 80% of Palestinian children suffer from behavioural problems due to the experience that their young minds have been made to comprehend. They carry the heavy emotional, social and spiritual burdens associated with the death of loved ones, discrimination, racism, economic ruins and destruction of homes and communities. It should be noted that these devastating problems have only been created since the years of conflict, occupation and violence.

Dr. Samir Gota, a professor of psychology at the Islamic University of Gaza, states that there has been a significant increase in the number of parents visiting psychological health centres in the Gaza Strip enquiring about treatments for psychological breakdowns after having recognized these symptoms in their children following the bombings which have affected the cities, towns and refugee camps of the Gaza Strip.

The WHO lists the Psychological consequences of conflict situation in Gaza as follows:
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depression, the unpredictability of the day-to-day situation further adds to the stress and anxiety felt by not having control over ones lives. Behavioural changes result in the youths eventually turning to drugs, suffering from insomnia, domestic violence, excessive alcohol consumption; these being a mere few of the extensive cost of Israel’s physical and psychological bloodbath in Gaza.

Palestinian children have not known a day of real peace. It is difficult to protect children from sights of destruction, the dangers of war and insecurity. Even if they were not actively fighting on the streets, they still could not help but experience the national struggle on an emotional level. The atmosphere of insecurity, danger, violence, and hostility that prevailed during the previous Intifada inevitably left scars on the mental health of the Palestinians children and will continue to do so until the violence ends once and for all.
Children must have safe places for healing and emotional support to be able to overcome these problems in order to continue to live normal, productive lives


In 2002, David Beckham was voted 2 nd in BBC TV's “Sports Personality of the Year” competition. After having spoken to a number of friends and contacts who are genuine lifelong Manchester United supporters who watch their team week in week out.(I at this point would like to hasten to add that I am NOT a ‘yernited' fan-My team is one with a proud history that is run by corrupt fools-Bury-but that's another story.)Still, I digress. The point is that in the previous 12 month period Beckham had around only a handful of good to great games when appearing for the Reds. The rest of the time his performances had ranged from abysmal to average. So, add that to the two vital goals for his country in the games against Greece and Argentina and captaining the side to a famous trouncing of the Germans and do you really get somebody worthy of finishing 2nd not only in football, but in the whole of British sport!

IIt would appear that the ‘manipulable masses' have swallowed the media fuelled frenzy and bought in to the hype, voting for somebody because of their fame and high profiled lifestyle. Is that the way such awards are now to be allocated – based upon how much attention is received on the front pages of newspapers and magazines as opposed to what they ACTUALLY achieve in their chosen fields of sport?

When it comes to the ‘phenomenon' that is David Beckham has not the whole ‘situation' gone past the point of sanity and become utterly ridiculous. Do we really need to see pictures of him and his family every day, everywhere they go and of almost everything they do? Now, there are those out there who say that he and his wife are themselves attention-seeking individuals who crave the attention and publicity and constantly want to be in the spotlight. Certainly I for one don't buy the Victoria Beckham suggestions that they are ‘just an ordinary family trying to lead their lives.' Anyone involved in the world of showbiz and music especially welcomes the attention of the media - it's what drives their careers and contributes enormously to generating sales!

The actions of Victoria Beckham and her husband would also seem contrary to what she states. At their media dubbed home of ‘ Beckingham Palace ' they invited some 360 special guests. In attendance were family, friends and in the main high profile celebrities such as Elton John, Adam Faith and a mass of other famous rich people whose wealth when added together could wipe out the deficit of some of the most debt ridden countries on the planet. A one-hour T.V. programme was made on this event as the ‘publicity-shy' couple invited the cameras to film the whole spectacle. As I sat and watched this programme I initially thought that potentially this could be a great coup.- the possibility of the ‘coolest couple in Britain ' sending a message to millions of people including many impressionable youngsters. A chance to show that everyone should look to have some social responsibility and try to help those less fortunate or incapable of helping themselves. That caring for others can be ‘sexy' and something we should look to embrace.

Instead what we were ‘treated' to was the following:

Mr. & Mrs. B going into elaborate detail of how they spent in excess of 45,000 pounds

in having rare Chinese plants flown from the other end of the world to appear in a special commissioned floral arrangement.

Details of how they had spent over 40,000 pounds on employing over 100 security people and the drastic measures they had gone to, to ensure the safety of their guests.

More details of how 32,000 pounds had been spent on creating an especially unique Marquee, stage and dining area to facilitate the guests and 84 chefs required.

Excess and consumerism were promoted to the full!

After the entertainment of a comedian and singer. Victoria then took to the stage and made a speech on how wonderful David is, David then took to the stage and made a speech on how wonderful Victoria is. More specially commissioned floral bouquets were then swapped. We then got down to the “real business”(?).

An auction for charity- Items of Beckham and his team mates: boots, shirts, pendants etc. items of Posh's and the Spice Girls: memorabilia, dresses, gold discs etc. were placed under the hammer (unfortunately not literally in case of the Spice Girls records!)

A camera was then taken round the celebrity gathering as they all dressed up to the nines sipped on champagne or the like. Tracey Shaw, Louise and Jamie Redknapp, etcetera, etcetera all had the same to say; a variation on a theme;-‘how wonderful and delightful David and Victoria are.'

Why it was almost as if it had been manufactured to promote David and Victoria as being such wholesome and incredible people. Surely not!

But, how much did they raise for charity, that's the important thing after all - isn't it folks? Well, 360 of Britain 's finest celebrities raised 344,000 pounds between them.

Less than a grand a head – a truly sterling effort. Still, perhaps those that eat the crumbs that fall from their table should be appreciative of how lucky they really are.

Whilst I wouldn't hold the Beckham couple completely responsible for this obsession that we as a nation seem to have redeveloped with over indulgence and wealth (very evident in Thatchers Britain of the 80's-greed is good). Spending mass amounts of money on things that more often than not we don't actually NEED has been back in vogue for far too long. And at the top of the tree for endorsing this lifestyle are the ‘golden' couple themselves.

Whilst the media will say that it's the publics fault and they are merely providing them with what they demand – claiming that they reflect as oppose to influence what society sets as the ‘norm'. The reality surely is that the media and the role models of the day be it rock stars, actors, celebrities or footballers now set the trends which most people choose to adopt.

But we all have a responsibility. Whilst we as consumers can exercise our right to purchase off those we approve of or simply not purchase at all in the case of newspapers and lifestyle magazines. And whilst those who are parents can choose to bring up their children with their own set of values, people are nevertheless going to be influenced by those in the public domain held up as successful people to aspire to.

Why should it be held to be not only acceptable but deemed to be something we should admire, that the likes of Beckham etc should own several oversized properties with price tags going into the millions. The same needs to be questioned in regard to Beckham, Giggs , Yorke, etc.etc. when they five or six high performance cars, with the totals running into hundreds of thousands of pounds. Is there only line of ‘defence' - “People like Jamiroqui and Elton John spend far more money than I do.” And “ You're only jealous, you'd do the same if you had the money.”- Well, sorry, don't generalize me or other people who do have morals and principles and are capable of holding on to them whatever our financial circumstances. Whilst I and others like me may not necessarily have millions there are people out there who have attained some degree of financial independence and don't feel the need to display the attributes of greed, egocentricity and selfishness. Is not the bottom line that these people have that much money they really do not know what to do with it? Can they not see past the boundary posts of their own lives and into the effects of what they say and what they do? Are they even bothered?

When it comes to David Beckham the footballer – because these days it can quite easily be forgotten that in the main, that is what he supposedly is. Is the England captain the world-class player that some would have us believe. Or again, is ‘Golden Balls' a man with friends and admirers in the right places to convince or project to us that he really is as good as the best.

Is ANY England player truly world class and capable of consistently producing it when it matters most. Certainly from what has been seen on both the European and World stages the answer would have to be no. Yes, Beckham and the likes of Owen have previously cut it with best on a consistent level with the rest of the Premiership. As have the likes of Gerrard, Campbell, Lampard and Terry. But when it comes to achieving results in Europe and the World stage the glimpses seem somewhat sporadic.- Liverpool and Manchester United only have one European honour each in recent times. Chelsea and Arsenal are teams that still cannot get past the final Champions League hurdles- and if they were, how valid would there wins be in terms of an English contribution?- only time will tell.

And whether people like it or not England are still a ‘nearly, but not quite' team. 1966 remains the last time a trophy was won. Are the semi-finals or quarter finals to be deemed success for the nation that claims to have invented the game? – For some the answer is clearly yes.

So let's try and be objective about David Beckham and his football ability:

His free-kick taking ability has been exceptional and as dangerous as anybody in the world. His low projected crosses from the flank are delivered with deadly pinpoint accuracy, unique and unrivalled- but since his move to Madrid he has often assumed a more central role and this vital dimension of his game has fallen away considerably.

His long ball passing can be incredible and again stands up there with the best.

However, his goal return from open play is modest.

His tackling is very little more than average.

His heading ability is adequate.

His temperament and leadership qualities are suspect to say the least.- It is said that he leads by example and his performances inspire those around him. His penalty misses against France and Portugal and overall abysmal tournament in Euro 2004 lead many to suggest he was no longer England captain material. Some suggested that he was no longer good enough to be even considered for the side.

So is this the pedigree of a ‘world superstar' that many would have us believe that he is?

Does Sven Goran Ericsson pick David Beckham for his ability on the football field or to avert the media attention from himself and his own high profiled role/misdemeanors?

When it comes to Beckham the:- role model- style leader – man.

What exactly are we dealing with?

It is said that he is considered attractive/desirable/sexy by large amounts of the female population, not only in the UK but the world over. No reason to dispute anything there.

It is also said that he is admired/idolized/ adored by a large number of males around the world, especially the under 25-age group. Again, I'm sure that to be the case. The ‘marketing men' rarely get it wrong and the large number of endorsements and sponsorship deals with which he is involved saw it seen as possibly the first time a club has signed a player for what he could do for breaking them into new commercial markets.-Real Madrid go for the Asian dollar.

Even his dalliance with his P.A. is said not to have damaged his ‘perfect' family man image- his share price /advertising fee has risen.

But when it comes David Beckham is it not a case of all style and little content?

In his early days he was mocked for his baby like voice and nervous lisp. Still, a trip to the right style consultant and development coaches can help address that. And why not. Should not people whoever they are look to improve, develop and evolve as much as they can throughout life. Should not everyone try to widen their horizons and better themselves and the things they have as part of their lives. But for all the tags that are bestowed upon Mr.Beckham is there any evidence of spiritual development, any signs of a gaining of knowledge or words of worldly wisdom or experience that he can be seen to pass to his mass flock of followers? Whilst Becks can be seen to be re-inventing his own style and launching/inventing/re-launching every fashion look or trend or passing gimmick under the sun. What's going on inside? And don't get me wrong, there are too many people out there with very little style who just fade into the background and show no signs of individuality. But does style have to come at the expense of substance?

Are the ‘icons' of our age to be nothing more than male bimbo's?

In the times in which we live are people only to be judged to have achieved success by the possessions that they have?

There are some by now whom I'm sure will consider this article to be getting a tad too ‘heavy', a little too ‘deep' in the analytic department. “Is this not just about a game of football?” “Are players who manage to achieve success not allowed to enjoy the fruits of their labour?” “ Has the boy not done brilliant?”

Well, that depends on the individual and it also depends on the society that we have and the society that we want.

But I would say there is something fundamentally wrong when there are footballers earning salaries running into millions per year. When firefighters, junior doctors, nurses and teachers are paid less than some semi-professional conference players. I believe ‘enough is enough' would be the understatement of this century.

And to those who say that this is the job of politicians and councilors or the like or up to the football authorities in the game to place wage caps or the like. I say it is up to the individual to face up to the responsibility they have when they accept such status.

Everybody can try and pass the buck and everybody can think of a reason why somebody else other than them has a ‘solution'. It's not black and white and it ain't necessarily simple or straightforward-but we are all citizens of the planet and we all need to take responsibility for our actions and give some thought as to how they affect others.

So as the time not now arrived where players themselves or in conjunction with the PFA

now make some serious effort to make a financial difference to their local communities?

Should not high profile players be declaring a certain percentage of their wage to go to help the funding of schools, hospitals or local community projects or the like, a little like Niall Quinn did with the proceeds from his testimonial but on a more regular basis. At the very least we surely need a change in attitudes from everybody.

Footballers can make a difference to the society in which we live and can be instrumental in instigating how people choose to live their lives.

Isn't it time for some real heroes to emerge.

L.D. – Dec 2004.


Becoming vegetarian is more than a moral decision, it is a threat to the new world order.

By Tony Wardle, Viva! LIFE

In the 1960's, I became the father of a beautiful little girl. It was a time when the talk was of peace, great changes were being demanded and old, repressive values were being challenged.

Seemingly from nowhere, we began to show concern for the environment. I remember a newspaper article in The Guardian headlined Spaceship Earth. It likened our planet to a space craft, the environment to a life support system and global resources to the stores on this tiny space shuttle. The conclusion was simple- either we started to behave responsibly and sustainably or we would eventually pay a terrifying price for our stupidity. The logic was inescapable and my eyes were opened.

I was filled with hope because it seemed that we were finally beginning to formulate caring, commonsense policies that would create a saner, less avaricious world. I felt my daughter had the prospects of a wonderful future and vowed I would never judge her by her financial success but by the generosity of her spirit, the openness of my heart, her capacity for love and understanding and her ability to embrace values of care and compassion. She has rewarded me handsomely.

In August, 2002, I again became a father – of twins – and two tiny little mites cried their first cries in a very different world. What had happened in the interceding 37 years is incredible.

The civilizing values that ordinary people had fought for over decades and thought they had won in perpetuity- decent healthcare, education, secure retirement, affordable transport and control over their own institutions- are all in an advanced state of dismemberment. No longer are these essential support systems judged on their ability to meet the needs of those who use them but on their ‘efficiency' – a code for eventual profitability. If money can't be made from them, they're not worth supporting.

Like the word ‘love' in American movies, the word democracy is constantly abused – and the more it is quoted, it seems, the more fragile becomes democracy itself. A refusal to ban hunting or to take back the railways into public ownership are simple examples of contempt for democracy on a national level. On an international level it is to accuse countries such as Iraq of being undemocratic while historically supporting every foul dictatorship that emerged, providing they allowed western multinationals to grow and prosper on cowed and cheap labour.

That Saddam Hussein is a dictator, cruel and barbarous and spits on human rights is beyond question. But that has always been his way, yet it didn't stop us queuing up to sell him armaments, helping him in his war against Iran and acting as apologists for him when he gassed Kurdish villagers. I remember Douglas Hurd (Home Secretary) claiming that the massacre might have been perpetrated by the Kurds themselves in order to gain public sympathy for their cause. That was cynicism polished to a high sheen.

So, Saddam is evil because he attacks Kurds. When the Turks do the same thing we remain silent because they are one of us. Saddam kills people publicly and barbarically and we complain. When Saudi Arabia makes a spectacle of slicing off the heads of terrified little Philippino servant girls in Jedah's Chop Chop Square, we remain silent and keep the arms shipments flowing.

The principle protagonist in this war- which in reality is an invasion- is not Mr.Bush, egged on by our own administration, but global capital. Bush is merely the mouthpiece. He has introduced a string of measures at home which reward the energy companies who paid for his election and permit them to trash the environment at will. He has transferred resources from the poorest to the richest and is happy to leave 40 million of his own people without any access to health care while talking of human rights. Internationally, he has torn up arms limitation treaties so that the military/industrial complex can prosper, turned his back on the World Court, refuses to acknowledge global warming as a problem and declines to sign the Kyoto agreement on limiting CO2 emissions. He claims God as his mentor but it is the devil who can be heard chuckling the loudest.

The ideology which lies behind these domestic and foreign policies is not difficult to understand. The US accounts for 25 per cent of the world's pollution because of its irresponsible and profligate use of global resources. We like to blame overpopulation for the world's problems and yet the birth of one American child is 20 times more damaging than the birth of an Ethiopian child or Bangladeshi because each US child will consume 20 times more of the world's precious resources than either of these. For a British child it is between six and 10 times more so we are hardly free from criticism.

The economic system that drives the US- and increasingly the entire planet- requires ever increasing consumption to keep it afloat. A consumer economy which does not grow will quickly collapse. So, like a huge and bloated queen bee, the rest of the world is now engaged in sustaining the US way of life, crawling all over it to meet its insatiable demands, hopefully waiting for the crumbs that might be brushed from the dining table. The key to this constant growth is, of course, oil.

Once self sufficient, the US now gobbles up 25 per cent of world oil production and has to import over 50 per cent of its needs, much of it from the despotic Saud regime in Saudi Arabia. This dependency will grow to two-thirds by 2020, just at the time when production has peaked and demand is dramatically increasing – a frightening situation for any oil addict. The Saud family are unlikely to survive and may well be replaced by a fundamentalist regime who wouldn't hesitate to use oil as a political weapon against the US.

Iraq has the second largest reserves of oil in the Middle East and a compliant, US-backed regime would provide just the security the US needs if it is to continue consuming the world like a frentic Pacman. Cynics now believe that the US war on terrorism and its global campaign to gain control of foreign oil reserves are one of the same thing and the invasion of Afghanistan fits neatly into this mould.

The new Caspian oil-producing countries of Azerbaijan, Kazakistan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, clustered around Afghanistan's northern border, were at risk of being swallowed up by the Taliban and their anti-US fundamentalist bile. As it is, that threat has been defused and a strong US military presence in these countries now keeps them politically in line and at the same time allows the expensive but vulnerable new oil pipeline from the Caspian to the Mediterranean to be patrolled and defended.

If you have God and right on your side you don't need to lie. So, when we are told that there is a link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, despite a complete lack of evidence, we know that something else is cooking. When it is claimed weapons inspectors will never find the laboratories producing deadly spores and chemicals because a front is all that's needed, we know that front rooms exist as commonly in Bermondsey as they do in Baghdad. When it is claimed that a clapped-out 30-year-old Russian made missile that might manage to travel 100 miles on a good day with the wind behind it is a threat to the entire western world, it pushes rhetoric to new frontiers.

And then, of course, there's MAD- mutually assured destruction. The balance of terror which supposedly kept the Russian nuclear might at bay for 50 years crumbles impotently when confronted by a dad's army of reluctant conscripts and a dozen or so Airfix kit tanks- or so we're told.

While this floodtide of rhetoric has been swirling over the airwaves, those who monitor the real state of the world have been throwing their hands up in despair. The UN Environment Agency, the World Watch Institute, even the conservative World Wildlife Fund are all saying that human's tenure of this planet is extremely limited unless we act now to curb our profligacy and the devastating damage it is causing to the natural world. And now comes our own Environment Minister, Michael Meacher, with an apocalyptic article in The Guardian. It is hard to believe he is in the same government as Blair and Prescott.

He likens the human race to a deadly virus which is transforming the world and its ecosystems at an exponential rate, climate change being only the most obvious example. At last someone confirms our own warning that we are in danger of creating a phenomenon called positive feedback, which once begun cannot be reversed.

Meacher maintains that temperatures are forecast to rise by as much as 5.8 degrees Celsius this century- by 8.1 degrees in some parts of the world. Even a slight warming of the oceans reduces their ability to absorb CO2, causing even more warming. But worse, if higher temperatures cause instability in the shallow waters of the Artic, a devastating 10,000 billion tones of methane – 20 times more damaging than CO2 – could be released. Incredibly, while scientists say we should be reducing carbon emissions by 60 per cent to lessen this risk, they are projected to increase by 75 per cent by 2020.

“The ultimate concern is that if runaway global warming occurred, temperatures could spiral out of control and make our planet uninhabitable. This is the first time that a species has been at risk of generating its own demise” says Meacher.

The US could not have indicated any more clearly that it has no intention of listening to Mr. Meacher nor the scientists who inform him. Nor will it curb its destructive, gargantuan appetite. In fact it has constructed a world order whose main purpose is to keep its consumption going. The World Trade Organisation, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are the non-militaristic tools through which the economies of smaller countries are thrown open to US multinational exploitation. When these imperialistic institutions fail to get their way, armed invasion is now the reserve position.

Once it was just industries which were swallowed up but now it is such basic necessities as the provision of clean water, health care, social services and transport. If you are in doubt as to what the world will look like under this global hegemony, just go to Harlem and Watts and the massive slums of Philadelphia, Detroit and Washington, where infant mortality rates are on a par with some of the poorest developing countries; or talk to the 40 million US citizens who have no right to healthcare; or take a look at Southern Africa and witness the despicable spectacle of US multinational pharmaceutical companies refusing the right to impoverished countries to produce cheap ‘generic' versions of AIDS drugs for their stricken people. Meanwhile, the number of AIDS orphans climbs to the stratosphere. Increasingly, take a long, hard look at our own society and see what is happening to it with carbon-copy policies.

It is this which is the real betrayal by Blair and his New Labour. They have signed up lock, stock and barrel to the most rapacious form of capitalism the world has ever seen which, like the economic dinosaur it is, will thrash around in a damaging orgy of frenzied, myopic self-interest, trying to ward off the death agonies which are already starting to bite.

And what has all this got to do with us veggies and those who are horrified by the desperate cruelties handed out to animals? Everything! Of all the world's damaging consumer habits, meat production and dairying are the most damaging. Pick any environmental problem – almost any one - and you'll find these industries at the heart of it. Deforestation and the spread of deserts; loss of soil fertility and erosion; water pollution and the drying up of the water table; nitrogen pollution and acid rain. And of course, global warming.

And it's set to get worse. The introduction of GM technology has nothing to do with feeding starving people but is a concerted attempt to increase crop production in order to provide sufficient food to spread factory farming across the world. Here, in these fetid and stinking prisons, is where the profits lie- not so much the meat itself but the battery of fertilizers, pesticides, drugs and antibiotics necessary for intensive agriculture and to keep these systems afloat.

Fifty billion animals a year consume an awful lot of chemicals! They also eat an unimaginable volume of high-quality feed while the 12 million children who die from hunger-related diseases every year are merely part of the collateral damage.

By stepping aside from this frenetic destruction you are clearly stating there is more to your ethos than profit and loss. It would seem you have a very different view of what the world should look like and it is a more benevolent value system that guides your life. For this reason you are a threat and so you can continue to expect to be marginalized, trivialized, patronized and reviled. It doesn't mean to say that you will not prevail because one thing the attack on Iraq has taught us is that people can think for themselves. We have to hope this is only a beginning.

II sincerely hope my little boys will develop the same loving values as their sister but they are going to need something else. The real weapon of mass destruction that threatens all of us is the adulation of profit and its rapacious destruction of our beautiful world. If it is to be stopped, my boys will have to become revolutionaries. We can only hope that in order to save the world there are to be more parents and their children who realize that their very existence is at stake.


Bristol and slavery were once synonymous as this West country port was built on the proceeds of human suffering. The triangular trade was extremely profitable and every ship owner's dream because their vessels were never empty. To West Africa they carried cloth from Manchester and steel from Sheffield, slaves were transported across the Atlantic to the West Indies and the ships then returned home stacked with rum, sugar and cotton.

When Michael Mansfield QC reminded the Viva! 10 th anniversary dinner audience of the similarities between the slave trade and modern livestock farming, I don't think anyone was aware of just how closely the one mirrors the other. There are shockingly obvious comparisons such as branding, the method of transport, the ‘breaking' of trouble makers and enforced breeding to produce saleable offspring. But it is the nature of the campaign that eventually ended this obscenity that I find extraordinary and which confirms the old saying that there's little new in this life.

The whole thing started with a court case. Captain Luke Collingwood, incompetent skipper of the vessel Zong, doubled the crossing time to Jamaica because of bad navigation. His cargo of 440 slaves became ill and as many would have no value on arrival, he ordered his men to throw 133 of the sickest overboard. Those who resisted were dumped in the ocean still wearing their iron shackles. He later falsely claimed the maritime law of ‘jettison', saying these were sacrificed so that others could live because water was so short. Such an action was perfectly legal and the vessel's owners would be entitled to claim insurance of 30 pounds for each body. The court case was not about his murdering so many men, women and children but because the insurers contested his claim that water was short.

This was 1787 and sparked the start of a campaign that was to last 51 years before ending in success. Every step of this struggle is eerily familiar as are the atrocities we now fight against-including the slow asphyxiation in multi-tiered ships of thousands of sheep for Australia's Middle East livestock exports and the dumping of the sick ones into the sea. Just as in factory farming, the death rate of slaves was built into the economic equation- death brought about by the barbarous belief that a black person had no feelings, was a beast and was utterly dispensable. It is only six years since animals in Europe were granted the status of sentient creatures and not goods.

Of course, the church had a view on this exploitation just as it has a view on modern farming. The Church of England then owned one of the most prosperous sugar plantations in Barbados, which, like every other sugar plantation, systematically worked slaves to death. Today it invests in factory farming and meat retailing and proudly boasts of its market skills: “Beef and sheep showed good results; dairy alone languished.” Well, they're only beasts and beasts warrant no mention of any kind in this supposedly moral giant's ‘ethical investment policy.'

Then, it was left to the Quakers to oppose slavery from a religious standpoint and now it is still the Quakers who largely oppose animal exploitation for moral reasons. So no change there!

Twenty-five-year old divinity student, Thomas Clarkson, was spurred into action by the Zong case and for years was the anti-slavery movement's only full time organizer. He learned then what many are still learning now- that organizing is not enough, a media campaign is essential. He also produced a newsletter to keep in touch with his supporters and began what was the first ever direct mil campaign, asking his followers to make regular donations. No change there, either!

Within a few years, Clarkson was urging a consumer boycott, encouraging people to avoid all goods which were a product of slavery. Hundreds of thousands responded and soon, some manufacturers began labeling their goods with welfare claims “produced by the labour of free men!” Others tried to mislead the public by pretending that their slaves were cosseted and pampered. When parliament looked like it might regulate the treatment of slaves, planters quickly drew up their own voluntary code of practice, packed with claims of concern-little different to the so called self regulated quality assurance schemes that litter today's meat counters-Assured British Meat, the Little Red Tractor and the RSPCA's Freedom Food scheme.

Slaves were transported under the very best conditions, they said: “If the weather is sultry and there appears the least perspiration upon their skins, there are two men attending with cloths to rub them perfectly dry and another to give them a little cordial. They are then supplied with pipes and tobacco.” And of course, when they arrived at their destination, things were equally as considerate and each happy slave family was allocated ‘a snug little house and garden and plenty of pigs and poultry'-slavery's equivalent to ‘the best animal welfare in the world.'

One pro-slavery writer even suggested changing the name from ‘slave' to ‘assistant planter' to quell the cries of outrage. Just this year, a meat industry committee suggested changing the name of the cruel, metal-barred cage called the farrowing crate to… the ‘freedom nest'.

The fact that people were boycotting sugar was damaging profits and so it was promoted as an essential foodstuff. ‘Sugar is not a luxury but a necessary of life and great injury have many persons done to their constitutions by totally abstaining from it.' Sound familiar? The press played a similar role to the one it plays now, with The Liverpool General Advertiser running a doom laden editorial complaining about the ‘infatuation of our country (with abolishing slavery) running headlong into ruin.' Before parliament would take up the issue it insisted on lengthy hearings, made even longer by the delaying tactics of the slave industry which stretched the process out for years.

When it did eventually reach parliament, again a familiar pattern emerged. The Duke of Clarence, one of the sons of George III, in his maiden speech to the House of Lords, claimed that he was “an attentive observer of the state of Negroes” and found them well cared for and “in a state of humble happiness.”

The cries of today's UK farmers that improvements in animal welfare will only lead to a flood of foreign imports of cruelly-produced meat is nothing new either. The Duke addressed this issue from a slavery perspective, claiming that if the trade was abolished it would be taken up by foreigners ‘who would not use them with such tenderness and care.'

Betrayal came from other parliamentarians who, with their words, pretended to support the abolition of slavery-spoke passionately against it- and then slipped the knife home by demanding it happen ‘gradually'. The gradualist argument won the day. Such tactics have been employed by modern Conservative MPs to ‘talk out' legislation to ban such obscenities as the sow stall. But you know that when the opposition begins to adopt your own rhetoric, no matter how duplicitously, you have won the moral argument.

As I write this, the House of Lords has rejected a Bill to ban fox hunting, passed by an overwhelming majority of the lower house. And so it rejected in its entirety the Bill to phase out slavery. The main difference between the two events was that in 1792, the prime minister William Pitt, spoke eloquently for an end to slavery while in 2004, prime minister Blair tried every possible tactic to sabotage the anti-fox hunting Bill and it was only fear of his own backbenchers that eventually allowed it through. We will now wait and see if the law is enforced or weakened in some way.

Posters and other images of intensive farming have been fundamental to advancing animal issues- and it was the same back then. The plan below showing the true conditions in which slaves were transported, was printed in its thousands and appeared in pubs and houses across Britain. It required no argument or explanation.

The trade in slaves was finally banned by parliament in 1807 but it was a further 29 years before slavery itself was abolished. On August 1 st , 1838, 800,000 slaves across the British Empire became free in law. You could argue that it was another 100 years or more before it became a fact.

There is one remaining similarity between the campaign to end slavery and that for animal rights- both are altruistic in that those who fight them stand to gain nothing if they succeed. They are born out of a desire for a better, more equitable, more just world where relieving the suffering of others is an end in itself. Both are noble, both are born of the finer aspects of the human spirit and both are opposed to bigotry, spite, ignorance and self-interest. Surely no one would argue that the world is not a finer place because most slavery has ended. And one day, that judgment will be applied with equal certainty to the end of animal exploitation.

John Newton was born in 1725 and served as a slave ship captain for many years. His experiences affected him deeply and he eventually became a preacher, writing the hymn, Amazing Grace. The first verse reflects the experiences of many of us and could serve as an anthem in the battle to turn the world away from its casual abuse of sentient creatures (and I speak as an atheist).

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found; Was blind, but now I see.

I'll give the last word to anthropologist-and Quaker- Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!”

Tony Wardle


By Virgil Butler

(former chicken slaughterhouse employee)

The chickens had been on the truck for hours in the freezing cold. When the night shift started, five cages full of them- approximately 6,000 chickens in all, some frozen to cages- were dumped from a forklift onto the conveyor belt in a cloud of dust that smelled like death. The motors started the line running. The chickens- I call them ‘peepers' because they were 7 weeks old, little more than babies- were panicking. Some were squawking. Some were peeping. Some huddled in silence, trembling.

I tried hard not to let this work get to me, because it was the only work in town, and I had a wife and baby to feed.

Seven of us would hang the peepers upside-down, 182 a minute, placing their legs in the shackles whizzing by. Many of their eyes met mine, and it was obvious that they were terrified.

Every so often, a ‘one-legger', chicken hung in a shackle by only one leg, went by. The supervisor wanted these birds off the line the fastest way possible. With the screaming birds going by at 182 a minute, the fastest way is to rip the bird off the shackle, severing the leg, then throw her in a pile of other one-leggers to slowly bleed to death or die of shock. So many birds died this way every shift.

Once someone deliberately hung some chickens by their heads so the guy on the end would have to snatch them off and rehang them right. But he just hung their feet into the same hooks with their heads, so these chickens almost surely were scalded alive. The scalding alive is pretty routine anyway, though, because birds often miss the stunner and are fully conscious when being dipped in scalding hot water for feather removal.

Once someone lined up a dozen peepers so sick they couldn't struggle and shoved each one's head up the butt of the one ahead of her. When we pulled them apart to hang them, they were bleeding and barely alive. Another time, someone went in at break time when the line was stopped and hung 20 birds by their wings instead of their feet, just for ‘fun'. The line started and before we could shut it off, most of them were mutilated by the machinery. They were thrown into the Dumpster with several hundred runts who had been culled because the growth antibiotics didn't work on them – all were grounded up alive.

Then there was the guy on the end who simply picked up a piece of pipe and began whacking off chicken's heads with it. The heads hit the wall and splattered like tomatoes.

These are some of the many horrors the chickens endure. I won't eat chickens or any other animal now. I have looked into their eyes and seen sheer terror and unspeakable agony. I couldn't save these birds, but I hope that by telling the truth about what they go through, I will encourage other people to stop eating them, too . This is how you can help bring an end to the torture of these innocent beings.


Helping or Hurting?

When you donate to a charity,
do you know where the money actually goes?

Could your gift be contributing to animal suffering?

Some health charities ask for donations to help people with diseases and disabilities yet spend the money to bankroll horrific experiments on dogs, rabbits, rats, mice, primates, hamsters, pigs, ferrets, frogs, fish, guinea pigs, sheep, birds and other animals. While human health needs cry out for attention and so many people are going without medical care, animal experimentation enriches laboratories and scientists but drains money from relevant and effective projects that could really help save lives.

Instead of pillaging animals’ bodies for cures for human diseases, compassionate charities focus their research where the best hope of treatment lies: with humans.

They realize that animal experiments are unnecessary, unreliable, and sometimes dangerously misleading. Enormous variations exist among rats, rabbits, dogs, pigs, and human beings, and meaningful scientific conclusions cannot be drawn about one species by studying another. The reality is clinical and epidemiological studies of humans are far more accurate a picture.

Aspirin poisoined cats, yet had no effect on fever in horses. Benzine causes leukemia in humans, but not in mice. Insulin produces birth defects in most animals but again not in humans. The use of paracetamol was stopped for just short of ten years due to it having adverse effects on guinea pigs.

Most of the important advances in health are attributable to human studies. Among them anesthesia, bacteriology, germ theory, the stethoscope, morphine, radium, penicillin, artificial respiration, antiseptics, the CAT,MRI, and pet scans. The discovery of the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease and between smoking and cancer; the development of x-rays and the isolation of the virus that caused AIDS. Animal testing played no role whatsoever in any of these advancements.

Compassionate, modern charities know we can improve treatments through up-to –date, non animal methods and they fund only non-animal research, leading to real progress in the prevention and treatment of disease- without starving, crippling, burning, poisoning, or cutting open animals.

The following health charities and service organizations DO NOT conduct or fund animal experiments.

Action for Blind People
14-16 Verney Road, London, SE16 3DZ. 020 7732 8771

The Back –Up Trust
Business Village, Broomhill Road, London SW18 4JQ. 020 8875 1805

Bath Cancer Research Unit
Wolfson Centre, Royal United Hospital, Bath BA1 3NG 01225 824124

Big C Appeal
10a Castle Meadow, Norwhich NR1 3DE. 01603 619900

British Allergy Foundation
30 Bellgrove Road, Welling, Kent DA16 3PY. 020 8303 8525

British Deaf Association
1-3 Worship Street, London EC2A 2AB. 020 7588 3520

British Institute for Brain Injured Children
Knowle Hall, Bawdrip, Bridgewater, Somerset TA7 8PJ. 01278 684060

British Polio Fellowship

Unit A, Eagle Office Centre, The Runway, South Ruislip HA4 6SE 020 8842 1898

British Red Cross
9 Grosvenor Crescent, London SW1X 7EJ 020 7235 5454

Caring Cancer Trust
14 Newham Lane, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 4ED 01983 810375

Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research
84a Tilehurst Street, Hitchin, Herts SG5 2DY 01462 436819

Eating Disorder Association
First Floor, Wensum House, 103 Prince of Wales Road, Norwhich, Norfolk NR1 1DW. 01603 619090

The Humane Research Trust
Brook House, 29 Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 2DN 0161 439 8041

IBS Appeal
Gastroenterology & Nutrition Research Trust, Central Middlesex Hospital, Acton Lane, London NW10 7NS. 020 8453 2205

Lord Dowding Fund For Humane Research
261 Goldhawk Road, London W12 9PE. 020 8846 9777

Menopausal Research & Info Service
17 Burlescoombe Road, Thorpe Bay, Essex SS1 3QG 01702 589555

Migraine Action Association
Unit 6, Oakley Hay Lodge Business Park, Great Folds Road, Great Oakley, Northants NN18 9AS. 01536 461333

National Deaf Children’s Society
15 Dufferin Street, London EC1Y 8UR 020 7490 8656

Natural Medicines Society
PO Box 232, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 1YF 020 8974 1166

New Approaches to Cancer

PO Box 194, St.Peter’s Hospital, Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0PZ 01932 879882

Pain Relief Foundation
Clinical Sciences Centre, University Hospital Aintree, Lower Lane, Liverpool. L9 7AL. 0151 529 5820

Quest Cancer Research Charity
E3 Seedbed Business Centre, Coldharbour Road, Harlow CM19 5AF 01279 451359

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
200 London Road, Liverpool L3 9TA 0151 794 8800

Samantha Dickson ResearchTrust
The White House, Chatter Alley, Dogmersfield Hook, Hants RG27 8SS 01252 627426

Sense-National Deafblind & Rubella Association
11-13 Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London N4 3SR. 020 7272 7774

York Against Cancer
31-33 North Moor Road, Huntindon, YO32 9QN 01904 764466.

The following organizations DO TEST ON ANIMALS.
The next time you receive a donation request, ask if it funds animal tests. Let charities know that you only give to organizations that alleviate suffering, not contribute to it.

Action Research
Vincent House, North Parade, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 2DP. 01403 210406

Alzheimer’s Society
Gordon House, 10 Greencoat Place, London SW1 1PH 020 7306 0606

Arthritis Research Campaign
Copeman House, St.Mary’s Court, St.Mary’s Gate, Chesterfield S41 7TD 01246 558033

Association for International Cancer Research
Madras House, St.Andrews, Fife KY16 9EH 01334 477910

Brain Research Trust
Bloomsbury House, 74-77 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DA 020 7636 3440

Breakthrough Breast Cancer
6th Floor, Kingsway House, 103 Kingsway, London WC2B 6QX, 020 7405 5111

British Heart Foundation
14 Fitzharding Street, London, W1H 4DH 020 7935 0185

British Lung Foundation
78 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8LD 020 7831 5831

Cancer Prevention Research Trust
Cobden House, 231 Roehampton Lane, London SW15 4LB. 020 8785 7786.

Cancer Research Campaign
10 Cambridge Terrace, London NW1 4JL 020 7224 1333

Children’s Nationwide Medical Research Fund
8 Dorset Square, London NW1 6PU 020 7724 5727

Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust
11 London road, Bromley Kent BR1 1BY 020 8464 7211

13 Wellington Business Park, Crowthorne, Berks RG45 6LS 01344 771961

Defeating Deafness
330-332 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8EE 020 7833 1733

Diabetes UK
10 Queen Anne Street, London W1G 9LH 020 7323 1531

Digestive Disorders Foundation
3 St.Andrews Place, London NW1 4LB. 020 7486 0341

Epilepsy Research Foundation
PO Box 3004, London W4 1XT 020 8995 4781

Imperial Cancer Research Fund
61 Lincoln Inn Field, London WC22A 3PX 020 7269 3611

Iris Fund for Prevention of Blindness
2nd Floor, York House, 199 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7UT 020 7928 7743

Fairfax House, Causton Road, Colchester, Essex, CO1 1PU 01206 562286

Leukemia Research Fund
43 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JJ 020 7405 0101

ME Association
4 Corringham Road, Stanford le hope, Essex, SS17 0AH 01375 642466

Marie Curie Cancer Care
89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TP 020 7599 7777

Migraine Trust
45 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3HZ 020 7831 4818

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain
372 edgeware Road, London NW2 6ND 020 8438 0700

Muscular Dystrophy Campaign
7-11 Prescott Place, London SW4 6BS 020 7720 8055

National Association for Colitis and Crohns Disease
4 Beaumont House, Sutton Road, St Albans Herts AL1 5HH. 01727 830038

National Asthma Campaign
Province House, Providence place, London, N1 0NT 020 7226 2260

National Heart Research Fund
Suite 12D ,Joseph’s Well, Leeds, LS3 1AB. 01132 347474

National Kidney Research Fund
Kings Chambers, Priestgate, Peterborough PE1 1FG 01733 704650

National Meningitis Trust
Fern House, Bath Road, Stroud GL5 3TJ 01453 768000

Parkinson’s Disease Society of the UK
215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ 020 7931 8080

Research into Aging
4th Floor York House, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ 020 7843 1550

Royal National Institute for Blind
224 Great Portland Street, London , W1N 6AA 020 7388 1266

6 Market Road London N7 9PW 020 7619 7100

43 The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AB. 029 2048 2000

Wellcome Trust
183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE 020 7611 8888

World Cancer Research Fund
19 Harley Street, London W1G 9QU 020 7343 4200


The companies below routinely mutilate, torture and kill millions of animals to test toiletries, make up and household products. To test products, companies typically drip test substances into the eyes of restrained rabbits, smear them onto guinea pigs’ skin, force chemicals down the throats of mice and fill rats’ cages with sprayed fumes. Such poisoning can cause shaking, vomiting, bleeding from the nose and mouth and DEATH!

No law requires these tests. In fact, more than 550 companies, such as Tesco, Co-op, Avon and The Body Shop make cosmetics, household and personal care products without testing them on animals.

It’s quite simple: Don’t buy anything that has beenm tested on animals, if a product say it’s non animal tested, it’s safe to assume it is! As long as consumers purchase animal tested products, it gives no incentive to the companies to cease this horrific practice. So, use your consumer power wisely and send a clear message to animal testing companies: that you won’t buy while animals die!

Clairol (Bristol Myers)
Coty (Benckiser)
Dylon Mayborn
Eco-co Products
Elizabeth Arden
Johnson & Johnson
Laboratories Garnier
Proctor & Gamble
Reckitt Benckiser
Schwarzkoft & Henkel
S C Johnson
Unilever, Lever Faberge
Warner Lambert
Wilkinson Sword (Pfizer)

Companies Who DO NOT test on animals
Aldi- own brand (except hairspray)
Astonish (from Home Bargains)
Bio D
Co-op- all own brands
Holland & Barrett
Nisa (Costcutter, Londis & Budgens)
Original Source
Safeway own brand (except household)
Sainsburys own brand (except household)


Alternatives To Animal Testing
Testing drugs and chemicals on animals does not offer even a 50% likelihood of
predicting their effects in humans. Likewise, researching human disease using
animals is misleading and results in human harm, including death. Replacing the
animal model is not about finding a one-to-one replacement for every current use
of animals: that would be futile since the way animals are currently used is
ineffective. We need to use research techniques that are genuinely effective;
such as those described above. Only by devoting our resources to human specific
research can we be confident that we are doing our utmost to ease human
suffering from disease. Many scientifically reliable research methods exist
which are superior to using animals to learn about human disease or predict the
safety of new drugs:

Microdosing ,a new method of obtaining human metabolism data, which enables potential new drugs to be tested safely in humans at an earlier stage.
Microdosing relies on the ultrasensitivity of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
(AMS), one of the most sensitive measuring devices ever invented. Using AMS its possible to conduct a full human metabolism study after administration of as
little as 0.1 milligram of drug substance, measuring drug concentrations in
biological fluids up to 1000 times less than the levels one would observe in a
classical Phase I clinical study. This should be part of Phase
pre-clinical trials for every drug, instead of animal testing. Currently,
preclinical studies take up to 18 months and cost 2.3-3.8m. Microdosing could
reduce the time to four to six months and the cost to €0.26m per new molecule.
Its accuracy at predicting human metabolism is unsurpassed. EU and US regulators
have endorsed the use of microdosing to speed and improve the safety of drug
development. See and

DNA chips enable the study of pharmacogenetics, which, in turn, enables the
practice of personalised medicine. This is the concept that since each person is
genetically unique, medicines should be designed for individuals, rather than
our current one drug fits all approach. DNA chips are computer wafers with
tiny wells where human genes can be exposed to a new drug, for instance. The
computer then reads which genes are turned on or off (or up or down) by the
experimental drug. See, for example,

Microfluidics chips again just 2cm wide, have etched into them a series of
tiny chambers, each containing a sample of tissue from different parts of the
body. The compartments are linked by microchannels through which a blood
substitute flows. The test drug is added to the blood substitute and circulates
around the device; thus mimicking what goes on in the body on a micro scale.
Sensors in the chip feed back information for computer analysis. Hurel (Human
relevant) are pioneering this field: see

Human tissue - all that we know about HIV/AIDS has come from studying humans
and human tissue; particularly blood. Similarly, everything we know about
Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases has been learned by studying patients
and their tissues. According to Dr. John Xuereb, Director of the Cambridge Brain
Bank and Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre; Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other
neurodegenerative diseases occur in humans and it is in human tissue that we
will find the answers to these diseases. The most important advance in the
development of a polio vaccine came in 1949 when Enders, Weller, and Robbins
showed that the polio virus could be grown in human tissue. They were awarded
the Nobel prize for this discovery.New drugs can be tested in human tissues,
ethically obtained with fully informed consent, before they are given to
volunteers in microdose studies. Companies such as Asterand work exclusively
with human tissue because it is more appropriate than animal tissue: see,

Computer modelling virtual human organs and virtual metabolism programmes
can now predict drug effects in humans far more accurately than animals can.
Computers can be used to design the molecular structure of drugs to target
specific receptors. For example, the protease inhibitors for patients with HIV
were designed by computer and tested in human tissue cultures and computer
models, bypassing animal tests because of the urgent need. In 1997, Roche
Pharmaceuticals had a new heart drug approved on the strength of data from a
virtual heart because the animal data was inconclusive. Research teams around
the world are working on a 'virtual human', which is designed to predict drug
metabolism and metabolite interaction with any given organ - information that
animal models will never be able to provide. Scientists can simulate experiments
in silico (in computer) that could take months or years to do in the lab or
clinic. See and

Autopsies though neglected of late for a number of reasons, post mortem
studies remain the best method of studying the effects of a disease on the whole

Epidemiology studies lifestyle factors in populations to find commonalities
that might be significant. Epidemiology linked smoking to cancer and high
cholesterol to heart disease, folic acid deficiency in pregnancy to spina bifida
and many more associations. See

Stem cell research offers potential promise of treatment for a wide variety
of diseases. Human stem cells have already been used successfully to treat some
leukaemias, as well as improving outcomes for heart attack patients and for some
patients suffering from Parkinsons disease.

New imaging technologies such as Magnetoencephalography (MEG), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(MRS), positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT), event-related optical signals (EROS), transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS) and others are offering a view of the human body in
particular, the brain that cannot be gained by studying animals.

Post-Marketing Drug Surveillance if enforced, would ensure that unexpected
side effects of new drugs would be identified much sooner; thus reducing the
burden of adverse drug reactions: currently our 4th leading cause of death.

Clinical research has been and will remain the sine qua non of medical
practice. Many medical treatments have never been studied for efficacy. Large
clinical studies are needed to establish whether current practice is actually
the best, evidence-based option.

The EPISKIN - test with artificial, human skin makes it possible to assess how
the skin reacts to corrosive effects and chemicals on the skin. This examination
is normally carried out on rabbits or guinea pigs. Adding carcinogenical
substances to normal cells leads an unnormal growth of these cells. This is how
substances that can cause cancer can be detected in the transformation test.
Monoclonal antibodies are substances of the immune system which are used in many
fields of research and diagnostic. Instead of the extremely cruel production in
the peritoneal cavity of mice, biological reactors (like the glass mouse or
tecno mouse) can be used for production. With the PyroCheck test fever
triggering substances (pyrogenes) can be tracked down in serums and infusion
solutions by using human white blood cells. So far, the test was carried out on
rabbits. The human cornea with all its layers can be copied three-dimensional in
the test tube e.g. to test ointments (artificial cornea). With nerve cell
cultures you can examine the release of neuro-transmitters (carrier substances)
as well as their pharmacological effect. By this, drugs in the field of
Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and pain research can be tested. Cell cultures of
arteries which occur as debris in operations can be used in the arteriosclerosis
research. This way, causes and treatment of vascular diseases can be examined.
Cultured heart muscle cells keep their contraction ability, even in a test-tube.
With their help, physiological interrelations and the effect of heart drugs can
be tested.

i ncubated eggs - Instead of the cruel Draize test, where the substances are
dripped into rabbits' eyes to check the irritant effect of chemicals and
cosmetic products, hens' eggs can be used. With the HET-CAM-TEST, the test
substance is dripped onto the membrane of the fine blood vessels of an incubated
egg and the reaction can be watched.

Lower organism - With the Ames test using Salmonella bacteria, researchers can
detect genetically harmful features of chemicals.

Human based research - A lot of medical disciplines do not use animals and give
- contrary to animal research - really relevant results for human beings,
including: Epidemiology, preventive treatment or precautionary medicine,
clinical and rehabilitation research, psychotherapy, occupational and social
medicine as well as natural healing. In toxicology (poison tests) it is more
sensible, too, to use data of human poisoning cases instead of poisoning
animals. Only documentation and analysis of real poisoning cases of human beings
must be used for risk assessment. For example, symptoms like headache, dizziness
or impaired concentration can be caused by substances, symptoms which can never
be assessed in animal experiments.

Prevention is always more effective than cure. It is estimated that 80% of
all cancers and heart disease our two biggest killers could be
prevented. Funding further research into establishing preventive factors would
be money well spent.


In March 2020 I like many other people had lives which were drastically different from where they are now. Months prior to the lockdown that came at the end of the third week in March- I had been aware like many of the unfolding events being reported throughout the mainstream media of developments that were taking place in Wuhan,China.

=COVID 19 and Corona were becoming fairly established in the minds of those observing the news. Images of people in masks and heath officials in full on white head to toe bio-suits were being firmly planted in the conscious of those observing this. As talk intensified in the days leading up to the declaration of the first full-on lockdown I was very much aware of documents I had seen back in 2010 that had been circulating in Activist Circles- 2 documents in particular- Agenda 21-where whistle-blowers in both the USA and Europe had told of how they had been present in meetings that had made it clear that the intentions of the United Nations was to embrace the green lobby in regards to climate change and use it at every opportunity for the state on a worldwide basis to implement taxes on sustainability policies that were to be introduced and also for the State to take back as much private Land and make it Public Land that was to be owned by the state and aim to end all private ownership of Land ALSO- The Rockerfeller Foundation had specifically outlined in much detail in a document about future scenarios of what would result if there was to be a worldwide pandemic virus outbreak.. This was covered in great detail in their LOCKSTEP DOCUMENT

Those who have read the ROCKERFELLER FOUNDATION Annual Report of 2010 will know that they have had a partnership with the BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION dating back to 2006. And what has been explicitly clear from their actions is both of these organisations involvement in programs in Africa and India have been revolved around control of the food supply and pharmaceutical provisions. Also part of this has been the increase of GM Foods (genetically modified) and the increase of the use of vaccines.


David Rockefeller openly states the long standing relationship between his org and China and the development of vaccines being at the centre of that

A very accurate overview of whats been taking place and that many inform me of parts of as they jump into my taxi on a daily basis..

The Lockstep document had been widely distributed in many Activist circles back in 2010 and clearly spelled out how under the scenario of a pandemic virus that measures could be introduced to restrict peoples freedoms and take away their civil liberties and introduce powers for the State that could then remain in place.
And was it mere co-incidence that as well as being the largest individual funder of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION-Bill Gates had hosted in October 2019-a month before Wuhan and the supposed bat in a wet market scenario of the beginning of covid -Event 201 the rehearsal for a pandemic was staged by DR-EVIL AKA BILL GATES




In my job as a Private Hire Taxi Driver I am lucky in that I encounter people involved in every job/vocation there is. At the start of this pandemic with half hour news bulletins coming through on the Radio and every TV and newspaper and internet media outlet having their News sections being completely obsessed with Covid and the supposed daily death rates from covid. People were being plunged into a state of fear and panic as they were peddled the narrative of their friends and family being at risk of death from some killer disease that was supposedly sweeping across the planet.. This should have been placed into some kind of context- namely that the official death figures that are reported from the Government every year had shown that the official death figures are usually under normal situations to be in the region of 1500 deaths per day in the UK..(=2019 there were 530,841 deaths at an average of 1,454 per day and in 2018 it was 541,841 deaths at an average of 1,483 per day)BUT the media seemed very reluctant to put these several hundred deaths from covid they were reporting into that context. The only real figures to expose what was really going on would become apparent at the end of the year-when we would see how many excess deaths there were in comparison to previous years.- because otherwise the cabal would merely be manipulating the figures of existing deaths from USUAL DEATH FIGURES..

The Government and their mouthpiece media were at the very beginning stating that we only need people to stay at home and help us beat this by flattening the curve.. all we need is for people to do this for 3 weeks.

The common consensus amongst people riding in my cab was overwhelmingly one of compliance and willingness to stick to the rules and an expectance that this would result in things returning back to normal within a few months at the very most..

Over the coming weeks I was able to speak with Doctors, Nurses, Virologists and others working within the NHS The information I would receive from them seemed very much at odds with the narrative that the Government and Mainstream Media were pushing

The first thing I was being told is that the way that deaths were being counted for Covid was a new different method.. and that if that same formula had been applied to deaths from flu.. it would have seen the official figures from flu being about 4-5 times higher..

Also being leaked was that there was a growing resentment within the NHS staff over the way the Government were exploiting the NHS and its workers through people being urged to stand on your doorstep and clap NHS workers at 6pm every Thursday. This taking place when the Government had refused the increased wage demands of the staff it was now only to ready to exploit for their own propaganda and political purpose.

What was also emerging were some other facts that were clearly showing that there was another agenda coming into play. Several people within the NHS were now speaking out against the corruption that was taking place.They were exposing that the test that was being used to see if people had tested positive for covid was NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE. A PCR test was being used. The nobel prize winner Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test had explicitly stated that it should only be used to spot the early stages of cancer. And that it should NOT be used for any other purpose as it would be capable of producing a high number of false positives..

Bozo Johnson the prime puppet minister even admitted this himself

Medicare staff were across the USA reporting that the insurance companies were paying 20% extra in premiums for deaths that were reported as being covid deaths..

NHS staff in the UK were also reporting that the Government was paying out similar increased amounts for treating those said to be suffering with covid..

As the truth began to emerge - covid was being written on death certificates when people had died from other issues and they had merely at some point in the last 30 days been tested and shown to be positive for was becoming blatantly clear that there were other agendas at stake here. These were not people who were necessarily dying FROM covid But were people who were dying who at some point HAD covid PEOPLE DYING WITH COVID IS SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT THEN FROM DYING FROM COVID! And what was emerging time and time again was that the people dying were elderly with pre-existing health conditions.

The Prime Ministers chief advisor Dominic Cummins at the height of the lockdown and when people were told only to leave the house for essential travel and 1 hour exercise or food shoppingor if they had been classed as a key worker was then exposed as travelling over 250 miles to visit his parents house in Castle Barnard and the excuse he offered was he was testing his eye-sight because he thought he had covid 19 symptoms

After this episode-only the naïve and frankly stupid were still not seeing that this was clearly a case of do as we say and not as we do- and there being ONE SET OF RULES FOR THEM IMPOSING THIS AND ANOTHER SET OF RULES FOR US, THE VICTIMS WHOM IT WAS BEING IMPOSED UPON.
More people within the NHS began speaking out and a rally was organised for Trafalgar Square. The speeches made that were put on YouTube and exposing the corruption taking place were all removed within 48 hours! CENSORSHIP IS DEPLOYED BY THOSE WHO FEAR TRUTHS
Attending the rally was a German Doctor who was present to inform people that members of the German medical establishment were taking legal action against their Government over the use of the PCR TEST.As the Doc was using the steps to take the stage.. the police stormed the steps and arrested the Doctor and prevented him from speaking and bundled him into the back of a police van and took him away to be detained at the station.
A new channel to combat the youtube censorship was established to host the speeches that had been removed-the medical whistle-blowers with others formed brandnewtube DR SCHONING ARRESTED



Daily I was now encountering more people who were questioning the role of BILL GATES.. WHY was this COMPUTER SYSTEMS PIONEER so involved with Health, Governments, Vaccines and appearing on tv to advise on dealing with covid..

ALSO- over 10,000 medical professionals had now signed a petition to oppose lockdowns.= GREAT BARRINGTON DECLARATION

There are those who like to dismiss anyone who doesn't accept the official narrative from the mainstream media as a conspiracy theorist These are usually the same people who when reports of sex attacks on females and minors from Jimmy Saville were being reported on non-mainstream media channels were also dismissing those reports in the same way..- this being when Jimmy Saville was still alive and the mainstream media had closed ranks and refused to report on any events that were taking place with scores of victims going to the press and tv after the CPS (CROWN PROSECUTION SERVICES) had refused to prosecute Saville for the multiple reports brought to the police by the said victims And its very clear since Savilles death-when he couldn't then implicate those involved with him and in the cover up- that the BBC were very complicit in turning a blind eye and that Saville even admitting on the Parkinson Show on the BBC that he had delivered young girls in the boot of his car to Prince Philip in the Palace -that his connections and delivery services seemed to extend to the highest and most connected people in the Land. THOSE THAT APPEAR TO BE ABOVE THE LAW AND LITERALLY OWN IT

And what have we seen from the mainstream media sinceÂ… THEM CLAIMING THE HIGHER MORAL GROUND TO NOW EXPOSEÂ’ ALL THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE WHEN THEY CLEARLY KNEW PLENTY OF WHAT WAS TAKING PLACE BEFORE BUT REFUSED TO PRINT OR BROADCAST BEFORE HIS DEATH.I have lost count of the amount of people who were working in the BBC who now have the audacity to say Â’ oh yes, it was an open secret that everyone was aware of and talked about Â…Â’Â’Â’ YET THEY ALL CHOSE TO DO AND SAY NOTHING ABOUT IT! So those who wish to dismiss anything that is reported by alternative media sources as simply conspiracy theoryÂ’ are frankly fucking morons. They are clearly conditioned and controlled by their Televisions. They are literally programmed into cognitive dissonanceÂ’ and many have Stockholm Syndrome. THEY ARE TOO SCARED TO DEAL WITH THE ACTUAL REALITY OF WHAT IS TAKING PLACE. THEY ARE IN DENIAL AND CONTROLLED BY FEAR. Even the term conspiracy theoristÂ’ which was first coined and literally invented by the CIA to dismiss anyone who refused to believe the official narrative of the media in regards to the assassination of JFK shows their ignorance or plain idiocy. THEY ARE USING THE VERY TERM THAT WAS CONCOTED TO PEDDLE A LIE AND DISMISS THOSE DEALING IN AN ACTUAL TRUTH.SUCH IS THEIR PITIFUL PROGRAMMED REACTION..

As the crowds in Trafalgar Square in London protesting against this scamdemic began to increase and the numbers in places like Berlin swelled into tens of thousands on the streets-the mainstream media increased their censorship and branding of all those that dissented..
Local groups were now forming to protest and march for FREEDOM



The mainstream media in the uk only wanted to reportÂ’ on the violence instigated by the police as they attacked innocent protesters and claimed that this was instigated by far-rightÂ’ protesters attacking the police. The reality was there was thousands of people present and many of them were attendintg their first ever protest.

only 39 people under the age of 40 have directly died from Covid. (Source: NHS link below). announced-deaths-8-October-2020-weekly- file.xlsx&event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3RZaTI4dUcwTjMwUDMtNDdyWHlhcWpmNXlOd3xBQ3Jt c0tsU3RIeGUxRDBpZGxmbUhueXlocWtadWdVZURsTFp4Rm0xOTBWdEhVSDVkQWFjczNZZktPZkc1WllNSVpjUn psc2xGb0xsX1dwcjVNUjBVcnFhd2hBUHBwYTJBQy03dXRWMUU0WHFTNW94RFNHb0FqZw%3D%3D


What happens next is the clearest intention that this is nothing to do with any virus or health situation and everything to do with complete control and taking away peoples civil liberties and making permanent totalitarian measures that will never be reversed. WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM OPENLY STATE THAT THE PANDEMIC IS ABOUT THE GREAT RE-SET,4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION-AGENDA 2030


























The second wave was going to be manufactured regardless of how the population behaved. The PCR test doesn't test for viruses, it was designed to test for cancer. The creator of the PCR test used for the covid-19 test was created in 1985 by Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis. He said the PCR test should not be used to diagnose infectious diseases. The PCR tests for bits of DNA that every human potientially has.The PCR test can be amplified so it can pick and choose if it will test positive. 97% of people who test positive for this PCR test have zero symptoms. If you have zero symptoms then your are healthy yet you will be counted as a "case". "Cases" are being used to justify a second lockdown despite the low death figures. The doctors are even admitting that they are encouraged to put covid-19 on death certificates on patients who have other life threating diseases which helps manipulate the death statistics. We are being scammed big time by government and big business on a global scale. Now with governments Project Moonshot (that cost £100billion) to test millions each day. This will increase the number of false positives leading to more "cases" which will lead to more lockdown restrictions.




VACCINES HARM AND KILL Dr.Northrup what we know about the covid vaccine.. nano particles being used in a vaccine for the first time ever the flu jab has lowered immunity levels and increased the rates of respiratory illness and also disturbing information about the vaccines being used on children in the usa with high amounts of metal in them 1f0705e1821-1613654916-0-ARa7TgER-9q9k0ip7tcRykIGVDN0MP0CRoG0VhvWe6k5WPtwdKFnV2Q7LRJ5- rr16MRP55zf_XwUvVclpg4LAWfzhaFXxHqhamNHlF4UYwrA4axvIyar6rNrU35APSb3GD1PBmHaDZ4pcumGU_39 RiauRMgxxYuvfIuAPyiVNaQDUr-xFoJ98huDihlebTz41M083Hkm4srpmeaoCk9PmgmiZ9Y_SHX- 90tvA7m0zwViOU1mWa4m7rrQygCbiLsk3_AvO13OfGTPIsXLB5jQMf_pZm5RmjhIG- S_PaegMN0zDK18vIA26yBRV7eeHjmyl4p_9rG0DEqLHttBQmTa1FA




When WE stand together, THEY have no chance. PARIS-NOVEMBER 28TH









Sky AUSTRALIA covers the Marxist 4th reich reset

the science of the pcr test explained and how it throws up upto 93 percent false positives

stop vaccines becoming compulsory

elites employing over 50 people are exempt from legislation applying to the rest of us

manchester protest numbers increasing-watch mi5 film the dissenters to fill their files

red pill phil 2 hour stream of mcr protest -6-12-20

article 10 and article 11 of the HUMAN RIGHTS ACT –we can protest and have freedom of assembly

police protecting the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation hq

protest for freedom at Stratford shopping centre-Saturday,Dec 5th





gov website face masks..

this is not about a virus and all about new world order implementation police officers have formed a limited company and are issuing fines for covid-taking literally millions from it- companies house Records show that in black and white

and meanwhile- ’one rule for those who make them and their mafia families.. and another for the rest of the ‘subjects’..

subscribe to a truth paper=FREE.


proud to say I WAS THERE DEC 26TH-BIG NUMBERS-From my experience of many marches over many years i would say there were approx 5000-6000 there today(Boxing Day) –Ldev

does covid 19 even scientifically exist..?? so what are they vaccinating against..


The Canadian Forces is investigating after one of its members spoke at an anti-lockdown rally in Toronto on the weekend and called on military personnel to disobey orders to help in the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. The individual, dressed in a Canadian Forces uniform, was introduced by organizers of the rally as Leslie Kenderesi. The man also wore a military name tag with that same name. The Department of National Defence confirmed Tuesday that Kenderesi is the individual speaking at the rally and that he is a serving member of the Canadian Forces. “I’m asking military, right now serving, truck drivers, medical, engineers, whatever you are, do not take this unlawful order (for) the distribution of this vaccine,” Kenderesi said at the rally. A video of his speech was posted on YouTube. Kenderesi, who had a knife strapped to his uniform and was carrying a helmet, questioned the safety of taking the vaccine." Article continues . . . canadian-forces-member-called-on-fellow-soldiers-to-ignore-orders-to-help-distribute- covid-vaccine

video of above incident-military man says do not distribute the vaccine


less than a 1000 people have actually died from covid who have had no pre-existing conditions -in uk// the tweet that they banned..







After arresting people in Australia for arranging protests –people are being arrested in the uk for filming in Public-it is perfectly legal to film anything from Public and also to film in a Publically accessable building.Having visited numerous Hospitals recently- Salford and Bury- and my local Doctors-Bury and Health Centres in Bury and Radcliffe- I know they are either literally empty or with only a handful of people in them. I have sat outside the Nightingale Hospital in Manchester City Centre for over an hour and seen nothing go in and nothing come out.. I have spoken with several nurses and staff members of Hospitals at Bolton,Crumpsall, Manchester Royal Infirmary-who also tell me of the corruption and lies in regards to the Govt and Media peddling the lie of ’Hospitals being over-whelmed’… The test centres are also visibly empty. THIS LOCKDOWN WILL NOT END- JUST CONTINUE AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE ALLOW IT TO CONTINUE-THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA ARE COMPLICIT IN THIS SCAMDEMIC

Klaus schwalb of the World Economic Forum and Mat Hancock pictured together 3 years ago at the world economic forum meeting in Davoz,Switzerland-vaccine to be a twice jab a year pre- requisite..with the monarchs photo in his home office..

bbc spreading lies again-nhs nurse complicit.. PSYOP..


AND for those who think Tony Blair is no longer anything to do with power.. as previously mentioned=CROWNS PRIVY COUNCIL..


people arrested for merely speaking in a public place-speakers corner-Saturday-january 2nd attacking people walking in a park with batons- plus-feeding the pigeons no longer allowed The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

old lady dispersed for feeding the birds

the reason that pubs have been closed is to stop people talking to each other and discussing the corruption and lies of the govmt,media and its enforcersÂ… and do the police all come from the Â’same householdÂ’Â’Â…

Censored= more of what the mainstream media are NOT reportingÂ… 3,000 plus adverse reactions to vaccine in a single day.. source CDC .. Centres for Disease Control 2 MIN 40 SECS VIDEO SHOWING THE EVIDENCE-

Looks like people are being used as guinea pigs for the vaccine... but the vaccine manufacturers and those administrating the vaccine CANNOT be prosecuted or held liable.. Norway adjusts Covid vaccine advice on who gets jab after doctors 'can't rule out' side effects were behind 23 deaths

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded Professor Ferguson -whose wildly inaccurate forecasts for deaths that would happen from covid if we did not 'lockdown' is being prosecuted in Belgium

first of manyÂ…? This guy who has previously been on TV when Dragons DenÂ’s Peter Jones did a feature on 'successful entrepreneurs'= one of the biggest Plumbing companies operating across London, says all his plumber workforce will have to be vaccinated against covid 19 or lose their jobs! BOYCOTT THESE SCUM!

theatre show continues as the Saxe Coburg Gothas play their part for the sheeple ..

HIGHLIGHTS from Clapham Corner protest on January 9th

full protest footage from Clapham Corner protest-including at 1 hour 35 mins onwds-police threatening to arrest people standing in a queue waiting for a Bus at a Bus Stop because they are breaching covid regulations by being in a group of more than two!

" All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." ~ George Orwell ~ france under curfew.. everywhere has to shut by 1800 hrs(6pm) and anyone outside after that and before 0600 (am) will be fined!

italia leading the way in the peoples resistance! Gym owners, shop owners,café and restaurant owners organise on line to carry on opening and 30,000 people attend to support them!

polska follows the lead of italia

Birmingham,uk Their forefathers fought for their freedom against fascism and now they enforce the fascism that their forefathers DIED trying to stop ..

amsterdamn-thousands protest

Vienna-austria-10,000 take to the streets over the weekend

Australian mainstream media is reporting the vaccine de-population realities.. the death toll from the pfizer vaccine has now risen from 23 to 30 in the last few days

latest video evidence of seizures from the metals in the body from the Pfizer vaxx -todays news shows a woman who was va ccinated this month having seizures

10 now dead in Deutschland from covid vaccine..

HUGE Story ?? 1st £7000 Compensation For MASK Discrimination ?? Here We Go....


Yes-theres billions of the zombies...

the most accurate description of what is taking place now, that i have ever seen..
53 mins video that shows exactly what has happened since march 11th,2020.. and before that in wuhan..

ALL deaths in uk from official government figures
2017: 533,253
2018: 541,589
2019: 530,841
2020: 529,928
SOURCED PROOF BELOW,number%20of%20deaths%20since%201999.







Protesters marched through Copenhagen on Saturday to protest against COVID restrictions introduced to curb the spread of coronavirus, as well as a COVID-19 'vaccine passport' being developed by Denmark. The rally was organised on social media by the 'Men In Black' group. Demonstrators were seen marching with lit torches and chanting slogans. On Wednesday, Denmark said it will realise a digital COVID passport that would permit foreign travel and for restrictions to be alleviated.

5 Things You Need to Know About the
UK's Current Lockdown

Big Brother Watch



Remember- Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare.. RESIST! DEFY! DO NOT COMPLY!