We make you aware of them as we believe they are companies who are offering something worthwhile in the way of a valuable alternative. From our experience they are worth recommending to a friend! So thats what were doing!
website co-ordinating the resistance against the PLANDEMIC and the World Economic Forums implementation of Agenda 2030
Joey Carbstrong- the busiest and one of the most effective Vegan Animal Rights campaigners there is
Earthling Ed- support Earthling Ed and the Surge Sanctuary he has established through the massive work he does has a Vegan Animal Rights activist
helping people who wish to become vegan and/or giving ongoing support and info to those recently adopting a vegan lifesytle/diet
Bedford Animal Action
The campaign against NIRAH (National Institute for Research into Aquatic Habits) An aquariam doubling up as a Research laboratory being planned to be built in Bedford.
Support this vital campaign now!
Campaign against Climate Change
(Be informed of the nuclear threat and how the government tries to hide what
they are really doing on our very own doorstep!
In conjunction with the Coalition against the War campaign
find the latest info in regard to stopping a war against Iraq)
Europeans for medical progress. Independent non-profit making organisation of scientists and medical professionals proving that animal experimentation is misleading and fatal.
Dedicated to finding alternatives to the use of animal experimentation.
Supported by thousands including Patron Joanne Lumley.
independent international campaigning organization committed to investigating
and exposing environmental crime.
Stop Climate Chaos coalition
Campaign to end the illegal occupation of Iraq by UK and US armed forces.
free educational programme for schools and learning centres to help develop
respect and compassion for all living beings.
Vital campaign to make sure the vivisection laboratory does not get built at Oxford University . The governments 'line in the sand' has been stopped from proceeding for 12 months in July 2005- join now and make a most important difference!
An organisation of class struggle anarchists
A worker run book publisher and distributor organized around anarchist principles. Highly informative.
The largest animal rights group-campaigning against animal abuse.
ALF- site put together by and for those who carry out direct action against those who abuse animals-highly informative site.
One of the most up to date sites available for current news regarding animal liberation.
Greyhound Rescue West of England. Charity for the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and abandoned greyhounds. Based in Cheshire, UK.
hunt saboteurs who save the lives of hunted animals using non-violent action.
United Against Fascism- The national campaign alerting British society to the rising threat of the extreme right.
Leading Animal Rights campaigning organisation. At the forefront against xenotransplantation and is lobbying for a bill to establish animals officially having Rights.
Campaigning against animal cruelty. Suppliers of the most important booklet you’ll ever read! Compassionate Shopping Guide- 80 pages listing virtually every consumer product you can think of and telling you whether it’s cruelty free or not.
Educational programmes to enhance peoples understanding of their relationship to the natural world.
Solidarity federation involved in helping build a non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian solidarity movement.
Official website of Vegan society- all the resources for the easy transition to veganism. Buy the VEG 1 vitamin supplement tablet from here
Support the Surge Sanctuary- 18 acres of Land ,housing over 100 rescued animals. One of the most worthy sanctuaries there is in uk
Rehoming 1300 animals a year- cats, dogs, rabbits and other small animals. A worthy cause based in Edenfield,Ramsbottom-Lancashire
Shop Vegan is designed to provide you with easy, one-stop vegan shopping. or put another way, products that are turtle-y cruelty-free. All of the products you will find on Shop Vegan are suitable for vegans, vegetarians and anyone else who wants to buy products that do not involve animal testing and are free from animal products.
From my experience- a reliable and great service for finding a vegan version of a wide range of goods.
BAM-Plymouth, UK based supplier of a quality range of bamboo clothing. The 2nd to introduce it into the UK behind us! BUT definitely now the supplier that has the best and widest range.
Exclusive ethical footwear label producing beautiful,classic, animal-free,
hand made shoes for women.
Bristol based local worker co-operative manufacturing, wholesaling and distributing organic whole foods. Big range of vegan products.Great range of ethical products.-especially vegan footwear and clothing/accessories.
(Animal free footwear , clothing and other products. Why should animals die
for man when there are quality , fashionable alternatives!)
(Eco friendly goods and garments. Everything from beds , bedding and babywear
to childrens , adults and homewares.)
US based vegan owned business that sells cruelty free products: footware, bags, T-shirts, boots etc. Excellent for mens trainers!
Award winning Vegan food. Best site I know for a wide range of healthy, tasty, animal free foods.
(organic , pesticide free: clothing , cosmetics , bags etc.)
The hemp t-shirt clothing company - trendy hemp clothing
Massive range of non leather footwear plus various accessories.
Eucalyptus and Bamboo bedding- most sustainable and least harmful to the environment in production
Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable resource, making it a more sustainable choice than traditional cotton or synthetic fibres.
In addition, it requires less water and pesticides to grow, making it an eco-friendly option that you can feel good about.
In addition to its sustainability, Bamboo is naturally hypoallergenic, making it an excellent choice for people with allergies or sensitive skin.
Its breathable fibres regulate temperature and keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, helping you get a more restful and comfortable sleep.
And because bamboo fibres are naturally strong and durable, your duvet cover will last for years, even with repeated washing.
Site dedicated to Barry Horne, an animal liberation activist who died in a UK prison hospital on November 5 th 2001 . See the story of this remarkable mans life.
Site dedicated to mark the 10 th anniversary of the death of animal rights campaigner Jill Phipps who was killed by a cattle truck when she was demonstrating against the export of live calves. Respects due.
Support the political prisoners of conscience currently imprisoned for Animal Rights actions
UK COLUMN- the ONLY news broadcast that deals in pure truths and is NOT corrupt.
Broadcast three times weekly on Mon,Wed,Fri -1 hour per day of sourced and revealing pure truths that the bought and paid for mainstream media puppets often refuse to report..
3 times weekly radio podcast. Real news that the mainstream media lies about or ignores.
Truther from Ireland, based in Salford UK
Excellent subversive source of info.
No need to miss the outstanding films/documentaries/TV programmes that are broadcast in the early hours or deemed 'unworthy' for our viewing by not being broadcast at all. Independent media available through mail order.
Published by Solidarity Federation, the British section of International Workers Association- produced labour free by a collective based in Manchester .
(Six times a year magazine that gives you all the info on companies products
and services. A Which style breakdown showing how ethical companies
really are. A must for anyone with a conscientious!)
A network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organizations offering grassroots, non corporate, non commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
New Internationalist Publication is a communications co-operative based in Oxford reporting on issues of world poverty and inequality. Very informative.
Independant monthly magazine of the green & radical left. Leave the mindless
masses to be informed by the tabloids and get ahead of the crowd!
hilarious direct action group-check it out!
Oppose the scamdemic- oppose lockdowns, masks and the World Economic Forums 'great re-set, 4th industrial Revolution and agenda 2030' that is being implemented under the guise of 'covid' and 'corona'. Protest movements page of truths.
BEST YOUTUBE channels I support
Social Experimentalist
Danny Shine- fellow vegan and the 'other half' of that previously ground-breaking force the LOVE POLICE. Danny continues on his spiritual journey and continues to consistently put out videos on an almost daily basis that spread so much love and truths.
Corbett Report If you know of any other organizations
that you believe are worthy of such promotion drop us a line or give us a
ring on 07507-640901
Docu style reports on some of the most important subjects of today. Most accurate and sourced docus out there.
The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics,
the central banking fraud and more. Find more Corbett Report material on less censored
platforms including https://www.corbettreport.com and https://www.minds.com/CorbettReport
Check out the video channels that are uncensored unlike YouTube