This is ARTWEAR where quality not quantity is the Principal and Individualism is the Key.

All merchandise supplied is either a Hemp/Cotton mix, Organic Cotton or Bamboo. This is distinguished on each individual design by H-Hemp or OC-Organic Cotton or B-Bamboo! All products are produced to meet Fair Trade conditions.
Why Hemp / Organic Cotton/ Bamboo?
Conventionally grown cotton uses more insecticides than any other single crop and epitomizes the worst effects of chemically dependant agriculture. Each year cotton producers around the world use nearly $2.6 billion of pesticides-more than 10% of the worlds pesticides and nearly 25% of the worlds insecticides.
Cotton growers typically use many of the most hazardous pesticides on the market including aldicarbs, phorate methamidophos and endosuifan. Cotton pesticides are often broad spectrum organophosphates-pesticides originally developed as toxic nerve agents during World War 2.
Pesticides used on cotton even when used according to instructions-harm people, wildlife and the environment. These pesticides can poison farm workers (including cancer), drift into neighbouring communities, contaminate ground and surface water and kill beneficial insects and soil micro organisms.
If we accept that nicotine patches deliver nicotine into the blood stream shouldn't we accept that some of the harmful chemicals may find their way into our blood stream…especially from garments that we wear close to our skin and when we sweat.
Other synthetic fabrics such as nylon, rayon and polyester are derived from petroleum-by their very nature they are harmful to the environment-not to mention detrimental to the stocks of depleting fossil fuels.
Hemp is easy to grow organically due to its natural resistance to predators and disease.
Hemp is a comfortable, fashionable product with all the advantages enjoyed by products such as cotton, silk or nylon. Bamboo is ecologically friendly and does not require any chemicals. Bamboo decomposition does not produce any pollution. All the t-shirts can be worn, washed and used in just about the same way as any other of its mainstream competitors.
Organic cotton , hemp and bamboo use more natural forms in their production and as with organic foods there is usually a slightly higher price to be paid. However, compare these prices to the designer labels that are being worn by so many ‘ individuals ' and they're far from being uncompetitive.
They're not the cheapest, but by no means are they the most expensive.
For a full range of other garments made of alternative fabrics check out the LINKS section of the site.